NSFE Post-Mortem

We all know that the NSFE is dead in the water and more hurtful than helpful to new Sellers trying to find their way and old Sellers trying to forge ahead.

Here’s a :warning: PUBLIC :warning: thread to discuss your thoughts on the decisions that lead to the NSFE tragedy, your experiences and frustrations, and what you think went wrong.


  1. Follow all SAS Community Expectations.
  2. You may mention any Amazonians by their Forum handles to report, compliment, or criticize, but do not mention other Sellers’ handles (unless complimentary!).
  3. Do not dox the actual names, businesses, social media, or other IP of any OSFE or NSFE user or Amazonian.

Are they attaching your store to that Forum name?

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Are they attaching your store to that Forum name?

I’ve been "UN"onboarded now. :laughing:

What happened was, sometime in late January, they onboarded us banned folks (me, @TallyTony, @ShoePeople) to the NSFE without any kind of announcement. Just suddenly, we discovered we could read their posts because we were auto-logged in. At the time, store names weren’t connected with our accounts yet.

Nevertheless, I wasn’t happy about it, and wrote to the Mods email, which did nothing. Then a week later, I followed up and cc’d the Jeff email and right after that, I was un-onboarded. So I don’t exist over there now, just as I want it.

I don’t know what happened that caused them to transition us, or how many others were onboarded without their knowledge or consent. It seems like the change to showing store names was only implemented recently, so I wasn’t affected by it, thankfully.


still not understanding why you, Tony, Shoe or ANYONE was banned.
It is/was supposed to be a seller forum not a moderator controlled Q & A, or so I thought.


They were losing control and thought that by being bullies they’d gain it back.


Backfired on their ■■■■■, didn’t it? :laughing:


either that or chasing seasoned sellers away so they could control the narrative.
We see how well THAT’S going, lol :slight_smile:


I do think that there was a bit of jealousy. That sellers/posters were more “popular” than the mods. Not to mention, we provided answers and solutions. The new forum is designed to prevent knowledge from being shared/transferred.

From the little that I had interacted with one of the previous big kahunas, there was a very drastic change on the moderator’s attitude since the last Accelerate conference (or whatever is called) one of the previous big’uns had asked me very friendly if I could attend, as they had been invited and were very eager to meet some of the posters. I told them that I couldn’t go, but was happy for their opportunity. By the end of the event, they had been shipped away, barely exchanged a goodbye message, and then new management was forced. Very confrontational new management, I may add.

I remain convinced that the reason I was actually kicked from the OSFE was because one of those confrontational leaders told me in a PM that he was very concerned to be seen as a “bad wolf”. He didn’t want that. That comment accused so much incompetence that I’d didn’t hide my frustration. It was right after Shoe had been punished, and I had started the exchange with said mod, telling him that he had mishandled the situation by throwing a tantrum. I answered his wolf comment saying that he shouldn’t be concerned with how he was perceived other than being perceived as fair; he was failing at that. I don’t think that he liked my reply, two days later I was banned. (I did call Xander a tool the day before my ban :joy:) anyway, my main regrets are not telling said mod that he was more akin to a chihuahua than a wolf, and not saving/screenshot that conversation…


I pushed their buttons a little too hard. Here’s the important part though, it was right after they suspended me without any notice AND that they were too chicken s**t to discuss with my why my tone had changed.

Then knowing I wanted no part of the new forum, I just kept challenging and questioning them. What really got them was that I was telegraphing their plays when they came to shut down topics or delete posts or whatever temper tantrum stuff they did.

I regret a little the PM’s I sent, but I do not regret calling them cowards and worse.


I must have been asleep at the wheel. I saw none of that. Neither of you ever appeared to be terse, nasty or even “off base”. I had no idea why they removed Roxy, never saw her “out of line” either. If honesty causes removal from the forum is that really a forum? My understanding was a “forum” was to share and discuss ideas and exchange information. Or now does “forum” mean play by the narrative WE want set here or you’re gone?
I’ve looked up to so many of you over the years, always knew I could find the RIGHT answer by searching the forums and had great enjoyment and entertainment reading daily. Amazon lost a lot by pushing away the very people who made that forum as great as it was. And many who are there now realize that. It’s great there are still a few “old timers” who contribute but interesting to see the responses…
Yes there were times when some comments were a bit startling but that’s what I always call “the human condition”. We respond as we feel appropriate, not everyone is going to or is required to appreciate or accept it. That’s life.
Glad everyone is gone from there and is now here. So refreshing!


This!! The current CMs are clueless. There were a couple of recent threads about the USPS postage adjustments for January. One of the CMs told people to open a case and escalate it.

We had quite a few adjustments on outgoing shipping charges where Amazon charged the wrong rate - $13.54 for Regional A boxes going to Zone 8 instead of the current (at the time) $14.34. We were hit with $.80 charges for every shipment.

We opened a case, and reopened it several times because each response was to give us a link explaining how postage is calculated for return shipping. Since our case had nothing to do with return shipping, and we explained that every time we reopened it, we escalated it. The immediate response from a member of “leadership” was to say the same thing as every previous response and to threaten us with dire consequences if we pursued it any further.


This surprises no one here, however newer sellers may think the OP was wrong based on the mods response. Which is what they want. Question nothing accept any response, correct or not.


I must have been asleep at the wheel. I saw none of that. Neither of you ever appeared to be terse, nasty or even “off base”.

You missed some great entertainment then. :laughing: Tony flat out said Kelly deserved to be fired, and there was a comment involving lube that was the most priceless of all.

The funny thing is, when @TallyTony was suspended, I believe they linked to his lube comment as one of the reasons for his ban. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

After I was suspended for 30 days with no warning, they changed the policy and thereafter, anyone being suspended/banished received an email containing links to the specific posts that supposedly violated forum guidelines.


that I remember but because it was truth to fact I just dismissed it as Tony being honest.
I mean…


Well this is an active thread…


Several “drops” of Sellers Ask Sellers in the last 12 Hours.

I can not tie users together, since I will not onboard. Steve_Amazon did post 13 hours ago.


When choosing where to post I would consider the following:

If you are seeking advice from other Sellers, I recommend that you create a post in the larger Forums environment, this will allow all Seller to respond. We value the knowledge of our experienced Sellers and they are an excellent resource for you to seek advice from.
If you are looking for quick access to a Community Manager to seek assistance with an issue that requires Amazon action, or you are seeking advice from a Community Manager, I recommend you create a post within the group. While all Community Managers have access to internal teams to help resolves issues, this group has dedicated CM’s that monitor the group very closely.
While @Just_for_Play comment is off the mark, we do provide links to resources that are available and these resources go into extensive detail pertaining to the topic of issue at hand. Seller University and Help pages are an excellent resources and we encourage all Sellers to utilize these resources on a regular basis.

Here we have mod basically admit that the NSFE’s New Sellers Only parts have nothing to do with helping noob Sellers, it’s about indoctrination without hinderance. Pass the Kool-Aid Steve…

:rofl: Wish I knew what got the mods knickers knotted, but it appears to have been scrubbed, can’t find a post by Just_for_Play…


My contribution to that thread:


Awesome response!
I liked the example you gave, and very subtle how you slipped in SAS.


We see how sneaky and manipulative their answers are about the New Seller Group.

"When choosing where to post I would consider the following:

  • If you are seeking advice from other Sellers, I recommend that you create a post in the larger Forums environment, this will allow all Seller to respond. We value the knowledge of our experienced Sellers and they are an excellent resource for you to seek advice from.

  • If you are looking for quick access to a Community Manager to seek assistance with an issue that requires Amazon action, or you are seeking advice from a Community Manager, I recommend you create a post within the group. While all Community Managers have access to internal teams to help resolves issues, this group has dedicated CM’s that monitor the group very closely."

As a new seller having the promise of a quick response/resolution and personal assistance directly from a Manager would entice me to want to post in the New Seller group.

In all fairness, the Mods seem to be responding to most posts but with links and suggestions to open cases.

Their favorite response is “Can you please send me any case IDs that you have created to Seller Support for this issue? I would like to review these cases and determine any next steps that may be available.” I don’t see them circling back very often, or at least not in a timely manner, with a response/resolution unless they are following up with the OP via email.

As mentioned/posted by @joebcrafts the new sellers are missing out on the actual hands-on support from experienced sellers who would dig into the issue and find the root cause with follow-up questions, which could usually be resolved right away.

There are some new seller questions that I am glad are being asked in this group; I wouldn’t even want to respond to them if I could, so let the Mods deal with them. :crazy_face:

The point I’m making is that new sellers are given misleading info/hope that posting in the new seller group is going to get them the magic key to a Manager who will quickly fix their issue.

April 04 2023 Return Against Seller Account >> SAFE T Claim Denied


This unfortunate seller is using CSBA and has no idea what they have agreed to and will probably experience a lot more losses if they don’t opt-out.


@joebcrafts that response was :100:! Thank you

And I liked these, too:

Exactly ZERO scammers amd spammers here!
Unlike the NSFE :unamused: