NSFE Post-Mortem

kind of like what’s happening now??? :laughing:


Miss that guy. Where is he?!

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Chat bot, haha. No chat bot could use the speech pattern that Dogtamer was famous for. He had his own special dialect (which required frequent use of dictionaries for me lol).


I have a son like that. Listening to them when they speak or reading their drafts - make everything interesting.


Did I get a heart from @Dogtamer?? Welcome, you have been missed!


You did indeed, my friend - and thank you kindly for your warm words of welcome!

I am not ashamed to admit that I greatly missed the opportunity to interact with & learn from all of y’all during my self-imposed hiatus, and I am so thankful to have finally found my way into the fold of the SAS/SellersAskSellers forum - which I tend to think of as the “BSFE,” for “BEST Seller Forums Experience.”


That thread is almost unreadable due to the nested replies


actually, with a little time you get totally used to it. I have to admit, I have no issue at all navigating threats, though there is plenty of other crap that annoys me still…


That’s OK, I hate the nested replies for you.


I prefer it the way it’s here. I do sometimes have to scroll back up a bit to double check what I am looking at as sometimes all comments are opened and sometimes they are all hidden until I click them open…but it’s like everything else, you do it often enough it becomes muscle memory and you don’t even think about it anymore…


Oh, I’m helping out there too.

I rarely start threads, but couple I stared on new forum give notifications about replies, but when it’s your own thread those notification links don’t take you to the reply that caused the notice. You just have to look. And look and look. Replies from two minutes ago will be posted before replies from two days ago. All hinged on what they clicked on to reply.

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That’s strange. This does not happen to me. It always goes to the exact post and comment… (unlike facebook)

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For threads started by others, those notification links do take me right to the post.

It (for me) only fails in the few threads I started.


nope, works for me too…very odd

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We did a post on this on NSFE. The type of notification received will determine how the link responds when taking you to the thread / post.

First, if you are replying to a post and want to keep it linear in the feed and have the notification take it directly to the post, DO NOT HIT the reply button but instead Quote some text to have the Quote open the text box to reply. When you do this, your reply is posted in line as a direct reply to the OP’s post (even if you are replying to a nested post within the thread).

If you tag someone, the notification will take them directly to the post even if it is a nested post. So, if you click the reply button and want the person to be able to find the post easy, just tag the person you are replying to.

If you get a notification that says “You received X# reply(replies) on your post”, that will take you to your post but you will have to click the “Show X# reply(replies)” toggle to see the reply. If you have more than one reply, you will have to scroll and figure out which one(s) are involved.

The notification for “You have received X# vote(s)” should go to the post where it is nested or not.

Summary … if you get 3 notifications that you have a reply (X# reply, You were quoted, You were mentioned), only the X# reply will not go directly to the post (so select Quoted or Mentioned). If you want to make it easy on the person you are replying to, always Quote first to open the reply box or tag the person you are replying to.

Now if we could only get the options to Follow a thread and bookmarks.

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I hate having to click to open replies, for every single post with any reply. You don’t even have to do that on reddit. It’s pointless codswallop with no purpose.


I wouldn’t disagree that it’s codswallop, but I would suppose that the most-likely reason for the implementation of the ‘nesting comments’ “feature” is rooted in Amazon’s never-ending desire to track “engagement” with what it flings up on this or that wall, via its devotion to Big Data number-crunching algorithms.

Certainly, we’ve all seen that movie before - hence what I believe to have been one of your two primary impetuses (along with keeping a sharp eye peeled for what ruin this or that Amabot might next wreak on the unsuspecting seller :anguished:), in creating your well-missed “Daily Checklist” tutorial some years back in the OSFE, no?


In the immortal words of the inimitable Oneida:
