Rating is not changing. Stuck at 244

My health rating hasnt changed since before Christmas. I have no violations, I’m stuck at 244. Its almost like they won’t want me to get to 259.

I’ve sold over 2,000 units YTD
And about 4,000 since I started in July
I usually sell 1 unit per order.



I forget the exact math but if you aren’t growing steadily then your account health score won’t change much.

Everyone starts at 200 if all is good and healthy (no violations). Then you get points for X amount of orders over a 180 day period on a rolling basis.

@Dogtamer - Something tells me that you have the magic formula bookmarked somewhere to share with the OP.


Thanks. I did see his formula, which was helpful. This confirmed to me even more something isn’t right.
How does Anazon defined “growing”?


Yep, I do; the formula for points per order is found in the “Will you share the formula of the AHR scores and the exact point values for violations?” section of the SHC (“Seller Help Content”) page Account Health Rating: Frequently Asked Questions (link):

That verbiage has not changed since the page was first created nearly 3 years back, and certainly the 4 pts per 200 orders mechanism is still working for us - which is why I, too suspect something is wrong (barring AHR violations that might be proving impactful, of course) with what you’re seeing with more than 2000 orders over the specified time frame, @Canadianmag.


Would it be worth a call, or email to the Health Department to review? I know sometimes that is more hassle then its worth. I can confirm my health went up nicely 200-244 from July to Christmas I would see it update all the time, but it hasn’t since Christmas. All the matrix are perfect that report to the health number. I also read that once you get to 250 good things happen, so that is why I am anxious.


May I ask if you are able to access the Account Health Assurance Dashboard @ https: //sellercentral.amazon.com/ah/eligibility?

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I have an emergency number, I have premium shipping. I don’t hit the other item since I’m not 250 yet.

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So you do not have the “Your Account Health Rating (Past 180 days)” graph at all on that Dashboard, I take it?

There is a graph, it says 180 dsys below 250.

Maintain an AHR of 250+ for 6 months
To join Account Health Assurance, you must maintain an AHR of 250+ for six months, with no more than 10 days below 250. This shows us that you work quickly to fix policy violations.

Return to the Account Health page to view detailed information about policy violations


200 = Perfect Account Health. Anything beyond that is sales related.

You get 4 more points over the base 200 for every 200 orders. Even though that’s the way it works (every 200), let’s simplify that and say it’s 1 point for every 50 orders.

If you are at 244, that means you have gained 44 points over the base. 44X50 = 2200 orders. That should be your rolling 180 day order velocity. It’s orders, not units. Does it now make sense if you look back at your actual shipped / received by the buyer orders over the last 180 days from 10-31-23 - 4-28-24? Order must be complete. Cancelled orders do not factor in. Unsure what Amazon does when it comes to returns.

This is where we are at. Nothing good happened. It’s still the same old sucky Amazon full of broken algorithms, piece of ■■■■ competitors and other assorted nonsense that keeps me working 7 days a week, 10-18 hours a day. And FBA is supposed to do all the work - LOL!



Be glad you are staying at 244.
Due to decreasing sales we have gone down to 208


Very sad about my rating. I’ve slipped from the 270s to 250s, and I might fall below 250.


I mean….does this score even matter? None of us really has any “assurance” no matter what our score….


I’ll take three days wherever I can get it. It’s better than nothing.

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