So their marketing is clear...

Two in the past two days. Link to video: ‪Facebook‬


I got the “Your listings may Spotlighted” email on Saturday. It said “We are planning to feature you on the Valentine’s Day page.” But there’s not even a Valentine’s Day link anymore on the home page. It’s been replaced by “Spring & Easter Shop.”

Yeah, it’s next to impossible to find and even though Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, Spring is still a month away.

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yeah, nothing of mine there. Oh well. Maybe next time.

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This was in my feed tonight :grinning:


I’ve been checking Google shopping searches and Makerplace is putting out some money! I’m impressed. I’ve dropped my ebay promoted listings, I think ebay’s internal traffic is too low for promoted listings to be effective for me. Gonna try their offsite ads which will hopefully give me exposure in Google shopping as well?


Etsy’s 5% off adds are showing up in google searches as well


I am skeptical about the offsite ads. I have not looked deep into this, but I read the marketing spiel, it seems like you have very little control over the PPC method with these offsite ads. Also, I don’t believe in paying eBay’s tab for getting traffic to the site in the first place.

Literally no settings here. No control of which listings, bidding on those clicks. I am supposed to hand eBay the money and hope they spend it well. Nah…

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I’m only comparing it to on site promotions as I believe traffic on Ebay is almost dead. Also, since they don’t use search terms, I assume it goes solely off the title which I have optimized to the point for my product. This placement seems to be working real well for me on makerplace so I’ll give it a month or two and see how it fares compared to onsite promotion and my Amazon campaigns.


Definitely they are, seeing ads EVERYWHERE lately. :eyes:


Where did you see the ads?


I see this or some version thereof daily on FB


@meredithbead I see them on Facebook and Instagram in my scroll, even though I don’t follow them, so their ad targeting on those socials at least is not just followers.

I am also seeing MakerPlace ads on a wide variety of websites, from the new-ish annoying type of ad that covers the entire page until you “x” out (tbf, not just MakerPlace ads are like this), to mid-content ads, to top banners.

I have browser tracking disabled, and I clear my cookies regularly, so that’s not how the ads are finding me. I do shop online at JoAnn and get their ads before clearing cookies, so I suspect that Michaels has targeted competitors’ audiences or duplicated competitor targets for their ads.

Whatever they’re doing, it is obvious that they are investing heavily to draw shoppers from Etsy–whose ads I hardly ever see, even though I shop there–and Amazon Handmade.

Personally, I am HERE for any sales channel that promotes and protects authentic handmakers!


Thanks Wade and Papy for answering about ads. I have ad blockers so never see any of it.

I really hope MakerPlace takes off.


I did a google search and didn’t see anything. How do you find these? and FB ads?


I’d like to know how Wade did that too. Just to see if it’s the same thing I did.

I just typed “Origami earrings” in google search bar. Two days ago, the very top carrousel that says “Sponsored” showed several of my items on MP, but last night when I did the same google search, there wasn’t anything fr MP, all are things from Amazon/Etsy. Just did the same search again now, and the MP ads with my items are showing up again. So maybe Michaels are paying for the Sponsored ads every other day? Will keep an eye on the situation to see what happens.

BTW, one interesting thing I noticed that all the items that showed up in the Google Sponsored ad by MP are items that has variations. Different variation of the same earrings are showing up.

I’m glad Michaels are doing the Sponsored ads, but I have a feeling that not that many shopper actually doing google search for origami earrings, because I haven’t had a sale on MP since beginning of March.


Google search with title keywords


This is what I’m trying to find — ALL MakerPlace ads, not just for my product. I tried a bunch of searches “MakerPlace ads” Michaels MakerPlace Google ads" etc. and nothing came up except the Respect video. Basically, I want to see an overview of what MakerPlace is sponsoring.

“No variations” rules out all my OOAKs.


I’m seeing makerplace ads too now in google.

Last week when searching cat light switch cover I would see Etsy and amazon and of course people who have their own shop/shopify.

Today I searched for cat light switch cover and I’m now seeing makerplace ads as well.

I did get my 13th sale yesterday. A lot of what I sell on makerplace is the same cat light switch cover over and over again but it’s funny that the ones I see in the ads are my ones who haven’t sold yet in makerplace lol.


I’m not sure if MP ONLY showing items with variation in their Sponsored ads. What I was trying to say was all my items that were on their sponsored ads were ones with variations.