Someone ordered a large book set from me and then returned all different books.

What in the world are my options here?? I sent her 30 hardcover book set and she returned titles i dont even sell all in paperback. Her reason for returning it was that she was given all the wrong books but she is lying.


Do you use user-specific images on your listings? Could you put in a Safe-T claim comparing those photographs?


Were the books already refunded? If so, were they refunded by you or by Amazon?

If the books have not yet been refunded, you can issue a refund of 1 cent for each book and include a restocking fee of 100% for Item - Materially Different. You will have to write a description of the restocking fee reason and include photos. If the buyer files an AtoZ claim, you have a good chance of winning, as long as you know how to write an effective AtoZ defense.

If the items have been refunded by you, you donā€™t have any options. You cannot undo a refund.

If the items were refunded by Amazon, you can file SAFE-T claims for each item. You will have to include photos again, and you will need to know how to write an effective SAFE-T claim, but you should get back at least some of the money, though probably not all.

If you are including photos, you will want one of the item with the packaging showing the return label, one of the item that was returned, and one of the item that was shipped. If you have a extra of the shipped book to put the 2 side by side, this often helps.

If you would like help writing a claim defense, post on this thread and let us know.


Not for this listing. This was an existing listing I was using.


When using an existing listing, you have the ability to have offer specific images.

It is not clear that you would prevail in getting reimbursed if you used them as proof of a fraudulent return, but you could, at least, try.


I would also open a Buyer fraud case with Seller Support. You donā€™t accidentally return 30 wrong books. Start the documentation and include the case number when you submit your SAFE-T claim/A2Z appeal. And send the Buyer a message through Buyer-Seller messages indicating that you received 30 incorrect items that you are happy to return at the Buyerā€™s expense upon receipt of the correct products.


Iā€™m sorry to hear about this. I sell large sets frequently as well and have long feared this (or someone claiming only 1 of the 2 or 3 boxes it shipped in was received b/c Amz doesnā€™t let you do multi-box orders like eBay).

I vaguely recall someone saying you can speak to your local post master and get the shipped weight from the tracking # and can match that against the return shipped weight. Hardback to Pb should be a decent difference.

I always also use something similar in my reply immediately to the buyer:

"Hi, Iā€™m writing regarding your order of X (order # X). The books you returned to me were not the same copies you were originally sent. The copy returned was X, as shown in the attached images. The copy you were sent was X. If you would like the incorrect copy that you sent me returned to you, please send me a prepaid shipping label. We take pictures of all orders before shipping and use this information to pursue resolution with Amazon AND the post office, where mail fraud is a crime.

Otherwise, per Amazonā€™s return policies, you will receive a refund once the correct book is returned. Let me know if you have other any questions."

Iā€™ve always received a response to that where a buyer fesses up or makes up some bs excuse.


If they used USPS for the return it is Fraud, you can report it to IC3 and the postal police

Amazon may screw you over but at least the customer may face criminal charges


I did report them to amazon. It was a link for if I believed someone was trying to scam or defraud amazon. I have to believe I am not the first time they did this. I really hope that if they have done this before, they were reported so amazon can put a stop to their account. I wish I could advertise the name and give everyone a heads up.

That is certainly a good way to go about it. I did say something similar but they responded that they are aware that the wrong books are in the package and that is why they returned it.


I have buyers replace their old parts with my new ones and send the old ones back.
I have buyers send back trash.
I have buyers send back items I have never seen before.
I have buyers send back rocks.
I have buyers send back empty boxes.
I have buyers send back a telephone book. Like the yellow pages. I didnā€™t know they even printed those anymore.

Yes, this is a problem that happens on Amazon and any other selling platform. It does seem to happen more often on Amazon though.

Please be aware that if you do not do one of the steps I laid out and the buyer files an AtoZ claim, they will win because Amazon will see that you received a return and did not process a refund. Appealing by saying the buyer sent you the wrong items will not work. If you want to refund nothing because the buyer did not return the correct items, you will still need to process a refund with a 100% restocking fee for Item - Materially Different. You may need to issue a partial refund of 1 penny to make the refund go through. A refund of $0 is still a refund, and Amazon will have the pictures and refund reason in their system, so you will be able to fight an AtoZ claim. If you do nothing, then you canā€™t.


The Dr Seuss of selling on Amazonā€¦

ā€œI have buyers send back rocks.
Some buyers send an empty box.
Sometimes buyers send their trash.
These buyers even send them smashed.ā€


This buyer lied on his return.
He says heā€™ll sue - a wicked burn.
Scathing feedback on my page;
Scammed returns are all the rage.
You can send me back your trash,
But I wonā€™t return your cash.
Liars try to file claims,
Chargebacks, reviews. Stupid games.
I shipped your stuff, I made you sign.
You paid, too late, your moneyā€™s mine.
You can send me back your trash,
But I wonā€™t return your cash.
Return reason - counterfeit!
Iā€™m not worried, not a bit.
My selling rights you will not smear:
I have invoices up to here!
You got your stuff, get off my back.
Itā€™s still not free you scamming hack.
You can send me back your trash,
But I wonā€™t return your cash.


We are seeing a lot of that - already - this season
I can see how someone making multiple returns can send the wrong thing back to the wrong seller butā€¦
used dirty socks ?
empty gift wrap rolls?
2 food containers?

Also noticing this is happening with delivery to freight forwarding addresses, 2 in Florida.
Reported one yesterday and Amazon is not recognizing the order - wondering if the buyer was already removed from the platform?


Oooh, thatā€™s interesting :thinking: They keep so much data, how would they have no record, even if they deactivated the account?


made no sense to me.
Tried reporting it twice - same error message.
Thought if the account was deactivated possibly the order history went into another universe? First for everything.

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The crew in charge ā€¦


To be fair, ANY fraudulent use of interstate commerce, no matter which non-USPS carrier entity handles a given transaction, is subject to the purview of the U.S.P.I.S. (link, .gov Home Page) - by long-held custom*, by statute,* and by stare decisis* alike.

The rise of eCommerce has compounded the problem long experienced by the eldest of These United Statesā€™ law-enforcement agencies, the so-called ā€˜Postal Policeā€™ - that of We The People being unwilling to direct more than a mere paucity of resources to its operations - by vastly increasing the number of complaint investigations its badly-understaffed employees are tasked with addressing.

Nevertheless, I would still advocate the advisability of submitting a cogently-presented case, in short, succinct ā€˜bulletedā€™/ā€˜outlineā€™ fashion, to said enforcement arm of the USPS O.I.G. ("Office of Inspector General [link, .gov Home Page]), no matter which common carrier was involvedā€¦


Citational references available upon requestā€¦


The order has not been refunded yet. When I contacted seller support they said not to refund it and aince it is auto authorized, Amazon will automatically refund the order after 48 hours and then I can file a Safe-T claim. However, Amazon has not issued a refund to them yet so I am not exactly sure what to do. I did contact the customer and they said like Yeah I know these books are not what I ordered which is why I returned it. This is just such a crazy situationā€¦ It was a $600 order and I cannot imagine this is the first time they r doing something like this.


I did contact the customer and the customer said ā€œyeah i know its not the correct books which is why I returned them.ā€ I did open a case with seller support the day I recieved the package and i did report them specifically under some link that said report if u believe someone is doing something fraudulent.

My concern is, i know Amazon usually always sides with the customer. This person seems like she is not new to doing something like this. It feels like its my word against hers but I simply wouldnt risk my Amazon account for one order no matter how largeā€¦ So do I just accept this as a loss and a messed up situation and take the hit? I can only file a Safe t claim if they are refunded by Amazon and even tho it is auto authorized, Amazon hasnt issued a refund yet.