SSA Glitch

Anyone else notice that SSA considers Puerto Rico as part of the continental US and allows customers to select Second Day shipping to Puerto Rico?

During the set-up of SSA, it lists Second Day for continental US only:

However, on the subsequent Template Edit page (where you click “Save” at the bottom to affect any changes you made), it shows Puerto Rico as an option in the “Two-Day Delivery” settings:

Is it me, or is it Amazon?

And why is it called “Second Day” delivery on the order details page, instead of “Two-Day Delivery”?

And why is Amazon telling me I have to use USPS Express Mail when it isn’t an option selected in my settings?

Surely my feeble mind is at fault.


SSA works best when you control what you want as your very basic shipping option.

Having several shipping options means you are giving Amazon the option of deciding which shipping service to base your transit time from.

If you are trying to use SSA along with AHT to obtain OTDR protection, then you do NOT want to have Economy, 2 Day, 1 Day or Same Day enabled on the template. There is a discusion on NSFE about whether Expedited is considered as part of Standard for OTDR. We would not include it for now as there have been reports of orders using Expedited as getting a metric hit when the order is late. OTDR policy has it as ONLY Standard orders will have the protection.

We did a tutorial on SSA back in August that might help answer some of your questions like Puerto Rico.

Setting Up Shipping Settings Automation (SSA)

After reading the tutorial, come back here with questions and we will try to help you adjust your template(s) to meet your needs while using SSA.


Thanks very much. I’ll check it out. I’m fairly certain that Puerto Rico is not part of the Continental United States, and Amazon’s configurations pages are not handling the nomenclature correctly in the set up, despite it being revealed on the template page after affecting changes to the contrary.


You can remove Puerto Rico on the SSA set up page. As you see the region, there is a little “edit” link that, when you click, allows for you to deselect Puerto Rico from that group.


I’m still miffed that they say continental US and are including PR.


Hey hey, here. Gotta stand up for my fellow Americans… Those 3.2. million of them on the islands of Puerto Rico…

My eyes are failings, so I had to blow up that link showing “Continental” and the inclusion of Puerto Rico. Yes. very odd. But also as odd is that Hawaii is listed as well, and well you made no mention. Are your eyes failing as well? Not exactly “Continental” those Hulu wearing islanders.

Anyway, I do note that Alaska somehow is NOT considered, “Continental”, though it is very well connected by land - well as last crossing, it was…

Just saying

edit - Also, for many products I do get it. Hawaii, PR, AK are expensive, but others that can fit flat rate, not so. Besides PR as 3.2 million people. That is more than 20 other states. Big markets, can bear a higher shipping cost in many products.


Actually … Continental is split from and does not include Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico as part of Continental …

Continental US can be (has to be) enabled.
Below it HI, AK & PR are enabled separately and can have any combination of the 3 ( ie: HI or AK or PR … HI & Ak … HI & PR … AK & PR … or none of the 3 ).

Below … PR has been removed by using the edit link …


Continental aside, why does it make me ship USPS Express when it isn’t one of my shipping classes?


We wouldn’t select something like …

I want Amazon to dynamically choose one of my above shipping services that creates faster possible delivery time estimates based on …

We also wouldn’t have all of the different shipping services selected.

To us, those settings are too trusting of Amazon AI bots to get it right …


Which option would you recommend / select?


If you want OTDR protection …

I want Amazon to choose the shipping services that I selected that creates the longest delivery time on the customer location (typically the cheapest).

This will give you more shipping services selections with OTDR protection.

Amazon doesn’t care if you choose a faster service but they will penalize you if you choose a slower service (Late Delivery Risk).


Here’s another one from today. Standard Shipping. I don’t have Priority Mail selected for Standard Shipping, yet Amazon is requiring me to use it. Priority Mail is only selected for Premium Shipping, but this order is Standard Shipping.

I’m guessing that when the order was placed, it fit within my selected options to arrive by SSA’s calculated date. Now that it is time to ship, the shipping time metrics have changed and Amazon has decided to force a faster, more expensive service than I agreed to, in order to delight the customer.

Do I have this right?

Listen Linda, USPS Priority Mail wasn’t a selected option for Standard Shipping.


Are you using Buy Shipping in Bulk or Buy Shipping from the order detail page?

We have AHT and SSA enabled with 2 day handle time.

Thursday’s orders last ship by date are Monday. Friday’s orders last ship by date are Tuesday. Both Saturday and Sunday orders are also last ship by date on Tuesday.

If we use Buy Shipping in Bulk, both Thursday and Friday orders that are shipped on their last ship by date (Monday and Tuesday respectively), then we see that using USPS Ground Advantage (less than 1lb) will create a Late Delivery Risk notice.

However, if we use Buy Shipping on the order detail page, the same orders have USPS Ground Advantage (less than 1lb) with Claims Protected and OTDR Protected.

Saturday and Sunday orders with last ship by dates on Tuesday are not effected by the Late Delivery Risk and can be purchased on either Buy Shipping in Bulk or Buy Shipping on the order detail page.

Buy Shipping in Bulk has a calculation error of 1 day when it comes to Thursday and Friday orders with 2 day handle time and returns the Late Delivery Risk each time.

To get the Claims Protected and OTDR Protected, we purchase Thursday and Friday orders with last ship by dates on Monday / Tuesday from the Buy Shipping on the order detail page.

When we get some time later today, we will post some images of an order that shows this error in Buy Shipping in Bulk.


I’m using Buy Shipping from the order detail page.


Have you tried the Buy Shipping in Bulk to see if the results are different?

The metrics hasn’t changed … the shipping programs have bugs in them.

That’s your bug … system is using data across both shipping settings and picking up Priority Mail when it should not.


I’ve had to make a few changes to my settings to reduce the amount of bugs SSA executes.

Amazon promotes SSA as a sturdy, steel kitchen table. After you cut down it’s uneven legs to make it work, it’s nothing more than a small coffee table.


Here’s a fun one. Customer doesn’t accept delivery on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. SSA used FedEx 2Day to calculate the shipping. SSA clearly ignored the customer’s available delivery days, and now wants me to ship via overnight. Not going to happen.

Thanks for letting me rant.


Amazon can ignore these, but we can’t. :woman_facepalming:

Of course.


PO Box is selected for UPS and FedEx in one of your screenshots. That may cause a glitch.

I just noticed that while scrolling. I did not read over the entire post yet.


This one is going to a business / street address.