Why am I getting charged for Canada again?

So Last August, Amazon Talked me into making one of my FBA products available to Canada. This meant that I wound up paying the Canada portion of the Professional subscription fee from my credit card and not from my balance because I did not have a balance to pay from in Canada. In December I finally sold one Item in Canada. I decided to Not try to sell in Canada because it just meant a bunch of extra book keeping for basically no return so I closed the listing in Canada and deleted it from my Canada inventory. And in Mid January I got Paid for that one order from Canada. The Canada balance was 0 and Inactive with NO Items for sale.

Now we are back to August again and I noticed a bill on the credit card for Amazon.ca. So I go to see what is going on. Well looks like some one made on of my products active again in Canada. I did not do this? Why is Amazon messing with my account and inventory?

I have again closed and deleted the listing from my Canada inventory. So is this something I’m going to need to do regularly? Or is it a yearly anniversary thing? I don’t get it?

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I started the following thread about a month ago. I don’t know if it applies to your situation.


Thanks will check it out.


I don’t know how many noticed this thread:

How to remove countries from an Amazon seller account

Reading it carefully, I am still not clear – it was my understanding that if you were handed the NA Unified account – that was it – final – no undoing it. You have them all forever no matter what.

But maybe not.
Or maybe the instructions are just for removing all the extras Amazon has enticed you to adding (Japan, UK, etc)

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I haven’t had much time lately to spend on forums either here or there. Right, you can’t “remove” the country from your account. You simply have to delete all sku from that countries inventory in order to inactivate the account. It isn’t actually “removed”.


For Brazil, Canada and Mexico … yes delete from their inventory AND THEN put those countries on vacation mode.

We would always keep an eye on it as …
Nothing is bot proof on Amazon
And Amazon data restores from backups are far from perfect.