Wow, Amazon gives customers 60 day terms on buying MY products!

Looky here:

Yep, 60 day net terms… what did that customer do to get such good terms?

Its been brought up before. The programs wording seems to have changed from net30 to term such as net30 so it looks like they may increase it on a case to case basis.

Yes, we were just going over our “Net when Amazon Feels Like it” this morning. Trying to plan our cashflow.

Don’t forget you will have the transfer time added to that too.

We do net 30 and net 10 on the other side of our business. Is what it is, the customer expects it and I don’t like fees. When we started we had a lot of net when you feel like it customers. Some went 120 days or longer.

Speaking of fees, you can pay Amazon a percentage of the sale and get the money sooner.

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60 day terms, + 7 days if they don’t pay + up to 2 weeks for disbursement if it falls on a day after a disbursement.

Actually if you check my thread that was quoted above you will see in some cases the terms are more than 60 days.