Wow I think this is a new low, even for NSFE

At first, this almost looks like some kind of joke, but then I looked at their store

They actually responded to a negative feedback by leaving themselves a positive one.

I took a look at some of their listings, and almost all their products are from a brand that expressly prohibits Amazon sales. There’s a bunch of reviews that look like this:

Imagine selling something on Amazon where it says on the item itself not for sale through Amazon?? How they haven’t been shut down from the complaints that arise from that is beyond me.


Those supplement sellers are real lowlifes…


Bought a new account? … How about opened a second account. The reported suspended account is a new account with same business name and business address … and then there is Bargans vs Bargans 2.

Stirring the pot a little ...

Just posted images to NSFE challenging whether or not this is a acquired account or second account. We can feel the down thumbs coming … :smirk:


So trying to manipulate rank and sales ???
Still the “acquired” account is a new account … we doubt it was acquired but rather created.


I would normally say this has to be some kind of troll post, but then I look at all his products having a big fat NOT FOR SALE ON AMAZON label on them and it kind of all makes sense.

Also, that 70% positive feedback, including fake positive feedback he left for himself.


So a mod just posted:

Hi @Seller_Ne6xBQ2FWVWMl,

Thank you for your post. I understand you are trying to reactivate an account you recently purchased.

In most cases, accounts are not transferable between owners. However, if you were able to successfully obtain this account, you would first need update the owner information under the Manage Account Settings tab. Once this is complete, you will need to submit an appeal from this new account stating you recently obtained possession. You will then need to provide supporting documents such as business sales agreement or deed along with any transactional information relevant to the transfer of ownership. This along with a timeline for when you obtained the account.

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The issue is this account is currently suspended.

When was the account deactivated? Do you know the original reason for the suspension. If so please share more information about this as you may be required to submit information addressing the initial deactivation.

Please feel free to reach out with any further questions or account updates, and we will assist you as best we can.



So is this mod saying it is okay to buy accounts?


How does this dipsht get a useful reply while admitting to breaking numerous rules, while most people get a useless response that has nothing to do w/ what they posted?


Troy answered a few minites ago. Why in the He double toothpicks can’t the Amazonians just say, you broke the rules. Go to jail, go directly to jail, your account is closed.

Hi @DailySupplies,

Thank you for your post. I understand you are trying to reactivate an account you recently purchased.

In most cases, accounts are not transferable between owners. However, if you were able to successfully obtain this account, you would first need update the owner information under the Manage Account Settings tab. Once this is complete, you will need to submit an appeal from this new account stating you recently obtained possession. You will then need to provide supporting documents such as business sales agreement or deed along with any transactional information relevant to the transfer of ownership. This along with a timeline for when you obtained the account.

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The issue is this account is currently suspended.

When was the account deactivated? Do you know the original reason for the suspension. If so please share more information about this as you may be required to submit information addressing the initial deactivation.

Please feel free to reach out with any further questions or account updates, and we will assist you as best we can.



They just don’t get it, and why do they treat us like idiots, by always having the first sentence, “I understand xyz…”


And we got the first one …


I notice a lot of posts have 1 upvote, and a lot have 1 downvote, I wonder who that could possibly be doing that. I’m going to assume you can upvote your own post

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I just can’t… :joy: :woman_facepalming:


Curse those stupid hidden messages on that forum.

There’s some good little nuggets hidden:

My cousin runs a VA service, I bought it from him to help him out. Many of his clients got suspended lately so they stopped paying him

.So – his cousin runs client’s accounts into the ground, then he buys them for peanuts.

And then…

Listen, I have made millions of dollars selling on Amazon, I am a big reputable business that sells legitimate and quality products. There should be no reason for them to keep this account suspended now that I’m in charge.

What a plan!


Of the ones getting the down vote, we pretty confident non of us are up voting our own post. On the other hand, yes … someone just went through and did the down vote thing. It could be the OP or it could be the one we call the down vote troll.

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Shockingly, his feedback quantity and his account age corroborate his story. That he’s been doing a shady business for close to a decade and no action was taken against him for it.

Watch him get this account unsuspended on the basis of “me reputable big business” and have 2 accounts in the buy box on all his listings.


Now you know what our friend @ASV_Vites and the other above-board supplement sellers are up against in that market space.


Someone should mention the fact that all his stuff is labeled not for sale on amazon. I’m curious to see what the justification is for that.


And this …

Got this …

We guess that those of us who pay our taxes also paid for his house.



So much more we could say about this type of arrogance … but do we really need to?


Wow, just wow.

A post like that would have been nuked off the face of the earth in the OSFE.


I missed this one!

“Sweetie, no one is too important”
and then quote this one

Guess you just got enforced


Only one shoe (account) fell at this point … waiting for the second shoe (account) to fall.

Amazon … connect the dots … connect the dots … connect the dots … please!