They are normally very good at connecting the dots, this is actually where Amazon Excels. Sometimes it takes some time for suspensions to kick in
But, to play the devil’s advocate – I suspect that the type of seller who turns to that type of VA is predisposed to fail.
I mean, their seller pages show an exact match on name and address. Assuming they’re also using the same EIN that should be sufficient to link them.
We’ve all seen Amazon link with WAY LESS data then address and EIN.
When one account is suspended it sometimes takes a week or two for that suspension to catch up to all other linked accounts.
If you believe what they said, that they just recently “acquired” (stole) the account from a VA client, and changed the information to their own company’s, then yeah, it might take some time for Amazon’s back end systems to realize what happened.
The idea of intentionally linking your company information to a suspended account is so stupid you can’t even make that up, so it’s probably true.
Humans, in general, are, yeah, that.
We see in this thread a major cultural and ethical difference between different parts of the world.
Are we sure all of the Amazonians on the NSFE are not located in countries where the ethical standards are different from the problem seller? Are we sure that our own country has not evolved to the same standards as the problem seller?
If Amazon enforcement of its rules is impossible because of the volume of sellers who are human detritis, does Amazon have a future? Frankly, I have come to believe that the Internet, on the whole, will accept seller behavior which I will not and many of you will not.
I am glad I do not need to rely on the Internet to pay may bills. The more I see, the happier it makes me.
I wish I could recommend ways to free my online friends from this situation.
Wow …
My sentiments exactly, but with more
My biggest issue with this thread is that mod response tbh.
“Oh, you fraudulently obtained an account to use it to violate more rules, sure, let me help you officially transfer the account and look into your suspension reason.”
And TBH, it was one of the best and most helpful responses I’ve ever seen by a mod on the forums.
I’m HOPING that the response was a PC response, and that on the back end they are alerting the proper departments. I HOPE
LOL who did this
And this winner OP also just admitted this publicly:
A Seller can not have multiple offers on the same listing (unless different condition and/or fulfillment).
And you sure as $#@!3 can’t have two stores making offers on the same listing.
Someone needs to post and tag mods, making clear all of the Amazon policies this OP has already admitted to actively violating right this minute. Push directly for explanations of why both of their accounts are still operating and how legitimate Sellers can EFFICIENTLY and EFFECTIVELY report sellers such as this for immediate attention from Amazon.
OP’s black hat tactics hurt ALL 3P Amazon Sellers.
That would be one of the multiple members of the SAS who enjoy the benefits of living in the environs of The Big Apple.
I’m reluctant to name them in a publicly accessible thread like this one, but if you send me a dm/pm, I’ll spill the beans for you, as we all know that you’ll continue to keep your cards close to your vest.
Nah, I’ll let them float in anonymous accolades
I also have this, I assume it must be expected in certain categories with expiration dated products.
It has to be the best response in light of the fact it was up before the mod even did their post.
Thought this category was private to SAS … not open to public view?
The private threads have lock icon
Which is why we thought posting in this category was private.
I see that on this other thread for example:
But I do not see that on the thread we are now on:
Which is why I answered about the lock icon.
This is odd, could it be that somehow this current thread is not in the locked NSFE Talkback section?