Wow I think this is a new low, even for NSFE

I remember that, with no little amount of distaste, as do I view the fact that there were a slew of old hands who got timeouts for similar offenses (and/or others, correctly perceived by Amazon or not) between 2020 & 2022 - which seemed to ramp up further after the “New Year, New Voices” Initiative onboarded a passel of new mods & SMEs (“Subject Matter Experts”), culminating in the #FreeRacingRox rebellion shortly before the NSFE raised its ugly mug.

On a related note:

Many in our Seller community had found reason for speculation that different Amazonian’s were sometimes operating the same FMT (“Forum Moderator Team”) posting account - even as far back as the Age of “Aces” - but when SMEs were first deployed, we quickly found clear evidence of that being so with a couple of the very first SME accounts.

Likewise, some in our Seller Community found reason for speculation that AI implementations might be playing a role in such phenomena - even as far back as the succeeding Age of Jive - but shortly after the “New Year, New Voices” initiative deployed, it became increasingly clear, to even the fabled “Most Casual of Observers,” that there was a high probability that some posting accounts were entirely supported by AI.