Wow I think this is a new low, even for NSFE

There must be a difference in how the category is set

This …

Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 22-32-34 Categories - Sellers Ask Sellers - Forum

Verses This …

Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 22-32-51 Categories - Sellers Ask Sellers - Forum

@papy @Pepper_Thine_Angus does this mean we have to ask to have a thread locked when in this category? … or is it an oversight on the category set up?

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There are two “NSFE Talkback” categories on SAS.

@GGX opened this topic in the (public) NSFE Talkback category, but if they want it moved out of public view into the private category, we can do that.


Correct. The SAS-only (private) category has :lock: and says “members only”. It is a sub-category within the main NSFE Talkback category.


Just to clarify, it is not an oversight.

It is to accommodate sharing certain NSFE topics (or comments/details about those topics) that are not meant for public view.

It gives SAS members a choice about how they want to engage.


Ummm … we learn something everyday …


Note to self: Pay more attention to the category :lock: under the subject line.


@primetime @Lost_My_Marbles the big headings (arrows) are the main categories. They are clickable. The links in parentheses are the subcategories and also clickable.

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The main category is the big (clickable) heading.

The little links are only subcategories but also clickable.

Some big main categories don’t have any subcategories and thus no links displayed underneath.

ETA: A (private) category without subcategories:

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Yes, I thought I would see a little subcategory title under the big clickable heading, above or below the locked one that is shown. Like I see the 11 subcategories under the Selling on Amazon heading.
Good to know there may be other subcategories accessible thru links but not shown on the main All Categories page.


@papy … the teacher of all things SAS … :wink:


LOL, no, it’s just Discourse. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

When I move to a new city, I spend some time driving around and “getting lost” to learn my way around. Same with Discourse–I have gotten, do get, and will continue getting lost! Please, learn from my mistakes.

This little link is visible for all subcategories but not duplicated for the main category link in the big title.

All subcategory links should be visible underneath the main category link and within the dropdown category menu when posting a new topic.

:information_source: If any SellersAskSellers member ever accidentally posts in a public category, please flag your OP as “something else” and ask that mods move it to a private category.

We promise, we’re not hiding categories from logged-in members at Basic trust level or higher.

  • Anonymous users (members who aren’t logged in, the general public, suspended users, and crawlers/bots) can not see that some categories exist, and even if they see that they exist, can not access them. They get the “Oops!” page we’re all familiar with.
  • Brand new users or users who have had their trust level reset due to violating our Community Expectations also can not see/access all of our categories. They will need to earn their way up to Basic first.
  • Our Handmade and Booksellers categories are known to all SAS members but only available to those who have gone through additional optional verification and vetting as either Handmade Sellers and/or Booksellers.

@Lost_My_Marbles @primetime @Dogtamer I have deleted some of our posts (including mine) to limit our off-topic interruption of the thread and any confusion. Hopefully. :crossed_fingers:


I checked to see if there were any interesting responses. A few more very arrogant responses from the OP, and this gem here:

You mean the “personal information” from the 2 storefronts linked in the OP (which btw, wasn’t modded out). I guess those 2 screenshots made the guy look bad so his buds in india removed them.


Wait wait wait, Amazon is PROUD that every users personal information is available within the forum! So now showing said info is not allowed???


I guess it helps to share the same last name with the forum mods

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Not to mention … the OP is the one who linked both profiles when stating his “problem”.

Well … that follows the golden rule of Amazon …

“Do as we say not as we do.”


Seriously is anyone surprised?
Amazon is shifting from China to India so all the rule breaking China was allowed will now be allowed by India.

The fact that this seller bragged on the forums about purchasing an account (not allowed by Amazon rules) as a 2nd account (not allowed by Amazon rules) and is somehow not suspended immediately shows Amazon’s apathy.


Having multiple accounts was never against the rules, though the intention stated by that poster is (using the 2nd account to manipulate the buy box). You used to need permission to open a 2nd account, that requirement disappeared at some point.

I always thought that buying a seller account wasn’t allowed either, but the mod’s response on that thread makes it sound like that’s OK now too if you have documents backing up the sale?

So basically, if you violate some minor rules, you get suspended. If you flagrantly ignore ALL policies, that’s fine and you can do whatever you want.

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It isn’t.

If I were to go out and buy the business Anker (the charger people), The WHOLE company, then yes, the seller account comes with the purchase. THAT is allowed.

What the OP did in this case (it seems) was he was too lazy to open a second account (allowed) and purchased an account. They wanted an account NOW without the standard restrictions of a new account.

Now the OP is throwing a fit.


you need Amazon’s explicid permission

The account can be purchased, however it has to be closed and the new entity then has to open a new account.



Amazon stopped giving that some time ago


You used to. That changed 5 years back I think