Account verifications ??????

Thanks. Sent a note to my SAS manager. He will take care of us. I don’t have Woof’s manager thank goodness.

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My warning is gone everywhere on my better account. Didn’t do a damn thing.

It’s a glitch!

I tried that. I was on hold for 45 minutes before I finally hung up.

Mine is still there.

Give it time… It will go away.

They are rolling the fix out in some order. Either sales or time based.

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Of course, they are!!
Perfect timing, as always; I bet most of the Mods are off until Tuesday.

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I wouldn’t sweat it…

I had it on both accounts and it vanished from 1 of them. The one that I haven’t done any verifications for yet. Was never asked and there never was anything on account info or health for it.

My other account still has the warning and I have verified it twice. I was just able to get into the account info page (because it’s 1:00am EST). Wants the tax interview and as mentioned upthread or another thread (who knows, too tired) - you can’t choose the US. LMFAO!!!

there’s no way Amazon is deactivating anyone, anytime soon. The whole thing is totally busted like everything else Amazon.

What makes this even dumber is everyone selling on Amazon from the last 5 years at least did this already. Why do we have to do it again?

Why isn’t Walmart sending out emails and warnings for the same?

There’s got to be a day that we no longer need this $ hit hole marketplace. I can’t wait to celebrate. What an awful place to do business with reasons too numerous to list. Probably would break this forum with a max text string.

Should Amazon recognize The United States of America as a country?
  • Yes
  • No
  • What!!??
0 voters

Thanks for sharing the NSFE. It doesn’t read like a glitch. They only said that his account status is in good standing and he should submit whatever the documents needed for verification.

Do you also believe that the account deactivation warning banner is a glitch?

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That would be my guess, in my case because I have already verified, and passed verification, twice. But if it is a glitch, how do we know if there could also be a deactivation glitch that shuts us all down???

I do not have trust.

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Mine is also still there after submitting all identity documents that they wanted (driver’s license, etc) about 20 hours ago. Man, I’m checking almost every 3-4 hours hoping to see a positive change. I’ll let you guys know if I get any changes.

Good point. Why Walmart haven’t done anything (I also sell on Walmart marketplace). Maybe they’re too overwhelm/new and have other more important things to do?

That would be a pucking nightmare! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Same. And I need to redo the bank.

My case is one of the few legit “need to fix this” cases, as they had my account info wonky. My business name was wrong, and my EIN was missing (despite all being correct on my 1099 from this year, and despite me being super careful and unlikely to have buggered it up myself…).

I tried to get them to re-verify the bank and submitted that.

Then I found the wonky account naming/tax stuff, and redid that. Now I know I will need to re-re-submit the bank but it’s stuck on “in progress” since yesterday. I figure I’ll just leave it alone until it fails, and then re-re-do that part since by then all should match.

I’m hoping they aren’t going to deactivate my account super quick, and I have time to wait this out…

Thanks for sharing the story. My case doesn’t need anything to be fixed. Everything Amazon has is correct. This account deactivation threat really spooks me. I’m glad to see that one guy here said the account deactivation banner threat disappeared without doing anything. Let’s keep each other update on this matter.

When we walked away last night, we had the notice on the seller central home page, Account Health page was pulling up showing only one check for Identity and the Account Info page (which was only available on just one refresh) had two items listed. The Tax form didn’t have US as a country. We saw a post on NSFE where a person in Morocco was saying they didn’t have Morocco (and had a screen shot showing it). This made us think this was a major blitch (couldn’t resist twisting) where the country of origin of the seller was missing in the drop down for everyone.

We went to bed …

This morning … we still have the notice on seller central home page and the notice on the Account Health page. However, our Account Info page no longer has the two items listed to be checked (we didn’t do anything) and we can see our original information across the different widget entries. Legal Entity and Tax Information links show correctly. There is a banner across the Business Address and Phone Number page showing

Our phone number does not have the “1” and is formatted as xxx-xxx-xxxx. We are going to wait to see how the day shakes out.

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I added the +1 a few days ago before all of this happened, and I’m still showing the banner. The yellow banner has been there for months; Amazon recently added the +1, probably when they updated the Business Address to say BA and Phone Number.

So many posts keep rolling in of sellers panicking, and some are opening multiple Seller Support cases. I don’t understand why sellers don’t read the forum first to see if there are other related posts before they post or contact SS?

To busy dropping shipping … no need to read until you get suspended ??? :woman_shrugging:

I don’t use the NSFE so I don’t know whats going on there. I did open a support ticket reporting “United States” not being in the pull down menu and they replied “there are no pending verifications on your account” yet I STILL have the deactivation notice AND I do have verifications pending (I have never uploaded my bank statement so I know that should still be pending)

Here is the answer I got on my Seller Support Case the morning after all the banners were gone again.

05:07 AM

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

We understand your frustration is trying to comply with the INFORM Consumers Act, but here is no link available to update.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused and for the kind of impact this issue might have on your business.

We have reviewed the account and determined this is related to an ongoing tech issues for the Inform act.

We have passed this on to the concerned team, kindly allow sometime for the update to take place. There is no further action required from you at this time.

We appreciate your patience and understanding. Have a nice day…