Account verifications ??????

My new neighbor, who I have yet to meet and will be moving in soon, has a Linkedin profile indicating he was an Amazon Software Development Manager from 2017-2021. I await with popcorn to hear the stories.

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So strange - 2 accounts - both had warnings. Did nothing - warnings gone - nothing to do on account info page… Whatever Amazon - great job as usual. They screw everything up but they are the biggest of big tech. Scary folks, scary…

Remember all the warnings about AI. Everyone thinks it’s a joke but AI has been running Amazon for awhile. How’s that going exactly?

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We don’t have anything to do on the account info page and yet we still have the banner and widget on Account Health … wish we were as lucky or special as you … :wink::man_shrugging:


I’m neither lucky or special. The fact that mine is gone just might be another glitch. You never know.

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Any how many hours of lost productivity across all sellers caught up in this nonsense. Millions of hours and dollars spent on this glitch…


@ASV_Vites and @Lost_My_Marbles
I have to guess that the Banners going out to everyone for how ever many hours the other day was probably a glitch. Heck on mine all the action steps already had green check marks.
And mine went away after I posted and sent a case about it and updated the format of my customer service phone number though, at this point I’m pretty sure that none of my actions had anything to do with the banners going away from my account.

They are simply writing their code and updating their code live to the whole site and not doing that great of a job checking things before hitting update.

When I wrote my posts it was mostly a ?What? Kinda laughing because I’ve already been reading all the posts of people having to re-verify multiple times so I figured it was coming for everyone eventually. But some of the threads over on the NSFE with people crying, having sever panic attacks, PTSD, etc. It’s like BREATHE PEOPLE. Breathe again. It isn’t like a buyer message that you have to respond to immediately. If you are not able to get to the page to follow the instructions, Obviously Amazon Messed up, Try again tomorrow or after the weekend if they are still requesting the information.

As for my case where all the notices went away. 1- my account is pretty new and I’ve verified everything. 2- Though well above a 200 sale or $5000 per year, I’m well below the Account Health Assurance volume so probably on a lower tier of priority for Amazon on this.

Hopefully they get this all sorted out soon. It would be nice to have the AI actually work to keep the “fake overseas manufacturer employee accounts” out or get rid of many of them. Or the ones that are trying to use the “virtual Offices” as their US addresses.

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True, but any time there’s a warning about a risk for deactivation, it’s reasonable to have some worry. Amazon messes up, and they mess up by closing accounts too.


Yes, I understand the immediate almost jump scare reaction. But then stop and think. Yes it is unconscionable that Amazon would discover such a MAJOR Glitch and not put up a banner about it or a NEWS post about it. Took them what, over 24 hours before Cooper finally created a NSFE Forum Thread as a “official” on the topic.
But, there are people out there reacting to the Banners as if their Accounts are already suspended.
I realize part of this is many people seem to think that Amazon’s systems are actually “competently programed” and are actively targeting sellers to get rid of them. While I could see that there may be some elements within Amazon that actively “favor” certain overseas sellers, I don’t think Amazon as a whole is that competent with the way it is disorganized and compartmentalized.

It doesn’t surprise us on how bad this roll out of the verification process has been for the INFORM Consumers Act. It reminds us of the roll out of NSFE and how bad it was during beta testing for us that were involved. Even after 8 months, we find cracks in the NSFE code. We view via a computer and found this crack this morning …

We do not use the mobile app and yet the coding is bleeding through.

If this INFORM Consumers Act verification process is handled the same way as NSFE, we may very well be in for a long and rocky ride with the verification process.

Just posted this on NSFE for giving feedback on this issue …

How to Give Feedback on “Your account is at risk of deactivation”

Where are we supposed to find time to improve our listings, when we’re endlessly re-verifying our account?

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better yet, how bout when the system won’t let you make any updates or edit your listings?

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It’s been over 2 days after receiving the first green check at Identity. No new re-verification request from Amazon, yet the account at risk of deactivation banner threat is still on the homepage :frowning:

Please share your story if your deactivation banner disappear after re-verification. Thanks.

Holiday Weekend. I’m willing to bet that the people going through legit re-verification are going to sit in limbo until after Tuesday sometime.
I’m gonna guess that Most people who only saw the banners due to a glitch (like mine had all green check marks and they went away later the same day that they appeared), they are already Gone.
Then there are probably plenty of people who have gone through the re-verification steps several times already and this is the system standing bye waiting for the teams to decide if it is all done yet or not. they are probably still writing the code to go through the other steps after Identity. They are trying to automate the process and we all know how “excellent” their automation and AI programing staff is. This past week’s Banner Scares was probably just the first step in the process. Expect more excitement probably right up until June 27th.

Those of you who get stressed out easily by this sort of thing, start taking your adrenal support supplements now to support you through this stressful time. Next time a scary banner freaks you out, Do a quick check to see if you can actually follow the action steps quickly, if not Do a quick strenuous workout to deal with the blood sugar and Adrenalin spike since your body probably thinks you should be running away from the sabre tooth tiger!!!

Except there are many of us who are stuck looking at something we can do nothing about. If you have the identity greeen check like @HumbleWarrior and then 4 circles with the greyed out text, all you can do is sit and wait and refresh to see if anything has changed. Until that little gem of info came out about there is nothing to do when the text is greyed out, we were scratching our heads trying to figure out what Amazon needed. A lot of people are stuck waiting for Amazon AI bot to check and give us the green checks and are looking at a deactivation notice in the meantime.

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I had the Bank Account one, and the banner went away soon (same day) after I got the email saying I’d been re-verified - it took 2 days from submission to banner going away.

Also - No sales the entire time the banner was up. 2 sales right after it went away. :confused:

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Now I must say that the no sales as long as banner was up could be very troubling to many people. I wonder if ASIN are not showing or coming up very high in search while the banner is up? Might be hard to tell over this weekend since it isn’t exactly a major shopping weekend except maybe for Hurricane supplies in FL being it is the start of the Hurricane Prep Tax free holiday.

If anyone has Banners up and ASIN that they are exclusive sellers on, use your primary keyword for your search and search in an incognito browser and see if you are showing up in search where you normally do? Or if you have ASIN that you share with others. Look at it from the buyers side and see if you are in the list of buying options available?


I’m a low-volume seller so my situation alone isn’t enough to judge. But literally NO sales (FBA or FBM) for 2 days, then 2 immediately after. It was weird.

Whether it was glitch or just a programing mistake, I did get sales during the time I had the account risk banner… albeit a small quantity - 9 FBM/ 2 FBA. Since it went away on its own, I’ve only had 2 orders. Going into the Mday weekend, that would be normal for my product.

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Ours has dropped since the banner showed up. Yes, it showed up just before the holiday weekend and we know the holiday pattern thing but, when compared to our last 11+ years, it doesn’t quite fit the pattern.

Bottom line is the roll out of the re-verification was horrible. The banner on the home page could have been one of two. One warning of a possible deactivation and sending you to the Account Health page where you had the links of the items to take care of. Two could have been an alert to monitor the Account Health page as you have no actions to take but may need to after your check is completed and verified (in other words… explain that greyed out text means you are currently okay pending the check process).

And they could explain the parameters needed like on a phone number … with or without country code (+1), with or without dashes (-). Yes they have to deal with a variety of country formats but they have the ability to code for that … the cookie cutter put them all in one shoe is poor management for a company the size of Amazon.