Action required: Verify your Amazon seller bank account information

No, I used a credit card statement.

My account wasn’t auto verified. I just happened to check my “Manage deposit methods” page this morning and the “verify” link was there. (It wasn’t there when I checked yesterday) I clicked the “verify” link, submitted my bank statement, and was verified several hours later. I never received an email to verify my bank account nor was there a banner anywhere on my account.

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I have not received any performance notifications for bank verification or address re-verification.

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Tired from spending all day in hospital with wife so please move to the thread if needed and you know the one …

We can’t find the post where this was being discussed the other day about Express Payout. Some people had it and could remember how they got it or when. Someone was having an issue with the dollar amount not updating for the available funds in Express Payout.

With this discussion about re-verifying the bank account, we decided to review our status real quick. When we did we found this …
Screenshot 2023-05-18 at 20-16-29 Amazon

So if you don’t have Express Payout and want it, check in your Deposit Methods.

Here’s the info page in Seller Help pages …
Express Payout

Again … apologies for posting here … just really tired and didn’t want to forget.

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Sorry bad wording. I meant to say your deposit method was auto-verified, but if you used your cc statement, then there goes that theory,

I also submitted my cc statement; I did not want Amazon Reps to have access to my full bank account info. They probably don’t have access or can’t see it, but you never know.


Just to be clear, the “verify” link appeared on the following page in seller central:


Thanks for this!

It’s about time they started doing things differently; this holding onto funds for weeks is very outdated. Even eBay has upped its game with instant transfers.

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Been getting this error message on and off since yesterday when trying to access/check my deposit methods…Amazon overload!

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We got that too, but refreshing the page seem to fix it.

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Thank you … we see that ours is unverified and has the verify link.

Couple of questions …

  1. Statement has name with middle initial and not full middle name … problem? (hasn’t been in past but being cautious)
  2. Statement has Legal Entity name and wife’s name … problem? (all of our accounts have both names)

EDIT … Submitted as is with middle initial and wife’s name on statement also. Shows Amazon deposits being made into. Will follow up with results.

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My bank statement has my middle initial and my legal identity has my first and last name with no middle initial or middle name.

I actually verified 2 different bank accounts, one for Amazon Pay and one for Amazon. The bank statement for Amazon Pay has my name with middle initial. The statement for Amazon has my name and DBA on it. Both accounts were successfully verified. My Amazon legal entity is shown as my name, but with DBA and EIN.

Man, Amazon is so effed up!

So I clicked that bank account link (thank you). The account that I was having the re-verification after the re-verification issue is showing that it’s not verified. I never received anything on this. (Bank account verification)

My other account, I never got anything for to verify. The verification section for the account for the bank account is totally blank…

I’m not doing anything until I am asked to.


Upon checking first thing this morning, our bank account shows as verified. Process took less than 12 hours from start to finish.

Couple of notes:

  1. We did not receive an email request and only did it because of reviewing after seeing everyone having to go through the process (so we checked ours and found the un-verified status).
  2. Middle name on Legal Entity verses middle initial on bank statement wasn’t an issue.
  3. Legal Entity name was first line on statement and wife’s name was second line on statement … again, was not an issue.
  4. When we uploaded the statement, we couldn’t tell if the file was uploaded or not. We did it twice and then just click the boxes below and submitted (hoping that it worked and it seems to have).

Yes, I did get the e-mail for bank verification (Title of the thread is the subject line of the email)

Would not have known otherwise since there were no banners or notices about it on my account and you have to go several links in to even find where there verify link would be and I wouldn’t have found it just glancing through my account. I needed to follow the instructions in the e-mail to find my way into the right page to even find the verify link.

I have not gotten the notice to Re-verify my Identity on the account yet. I assume that is because I’m a relative new comer but my account is a few years old (so not an old time account predating the modern Identity verification and yet not a brand new account still needing initial verification.)

Same here. We’ve received the account re-verification email twice, and then the “activate your account” twice. No banners anywhere. But when we click the link (thank you @TheOrangeCrush) it shows “Not verified”

We’re going to wait for the “Verify you Amazon seller bank account information” email before doing anything.


I got really excited about this and thought the payout would be changing. but it makes no difference (for me). The disbursement won’t arrive any quicker. Amazon initiates our funds on Saturday mid-morning, and it’s always in my bank first thing Monday morning.

There is also some fine print that says Amazon may start charging for the Express Payout service in the near future; sellers will get a heads-up if or before that happens.

That is why we never did it … we can handle the every two weeks thing.

Agreed, plus you still get paid every two weeks. You just get the money deposited 24 hours after the disbursement, not 3-5 days. It’s not really that much of a benefit. I believe the initial communication was $0.55 cents for each transfer starting October '23? The $0.55 won’t kill us, but having to account for that in my disbursement reconcillation is yet another (albeit minor) PITA. Pass for us!

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Screen Shot 2023-05-19 at 11.59.32 AM


I have an old account that allows me to initiate payments once every 24 hours. Are they going to start charging me for this feature? I use it rarely, but it comes in handy a few times a year.

My turn in the barrel over Niagara Falls.

To help us maintain a trusted store for buyers and sellers, we are verifying your identity in accordance with the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement. To complete the verification process, please follow the instructions in the banner at the top of the “Account Information” page in Seller Central.

Next steps:

  1. Go to Seller Central.

  2. Go to your “Account Information” page in Seller Central.

  3. Click the “Start verification” link on the “Account Information” page in Seller Central. You will need to provide the following information to complete your verification:

  4. Information about your business;

  5. Information about your identity;

  6. A government-issued photo ID;

  7. A bank account or credit card statement;

  8. A business license, if applicable.

So nice of them to drop it on me on Friday Night at 5:50pm EDT. Where much of this documentation is at our studio/office/shop/warehouse.

It came in while I was on the phone with Amazon Customer Service (the customer facing side) trying to find out why they keep delivering to the wrong location. Our mailroom, and not our building. 2 Hours on that call so far.

The solution they gave me, we will refund you or send a replacement item.

I said that was inappropriate, have the TBA person come back and deliver to the correct address. “No we will just refund you!” coming out of Amazon’s pocket for one order and 3P sellers for two other orders.


I don’t remember the song, but it went something like, “They can’t even run their own life, why would I ever let them run mine.”

:person_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :man_facepalming: