Action required: Verify your Amazon seller bank account information

… Sunshine go away today
I don’t feel much like dancing
Some man’s gone, he’s tried to run my life
Don’t know what he’s asking

… He tells me I’d better get in line
Can’t hear what he’s saying
When I grow up, I’m going to make it mine
But these aren’t dues I been paying

… How much does it cost, I’ll buy it
The time is all we’ve lost, I’ll try it
But he can’t even run his own life
I’ll be damned if he’ll run mine, Sunshine

… Sunshine go away today
I don’t feel much like dancing
Some man’s gone, he’s tried to run my life
Don’t know what he’s asking

… Working starts to make me wonder where
The fruits of what I do are going
He says in love and war all is fair
But he’s got cards he ain’t showing

… How much does it cost, I’ll buy it
The time is all we’ve lost, I’ll try it
And he can’t even run his own life
I’ll be damned if he’ll run mine, Sunshine

… Sunshine come on back another day
I promise you I’ll be singing
This old world, she’s gonna turn around
Brand new bells’ll be ringing


I never signed up for express and we get our $ in less than 24 hours in our bank account. Banking with Chase.

It’s been that way for 4 years.


I waited as long as I could so Amazon could work out the kinks in the process. Then, they cut off order flow without notifying me, which I discovered while manually repricing through AOB and not seeing any of my books coming up.

I was forced to re-verify with the information I had available that I had that seen others refused.

I put in the info I had, and it was accepted. Having a 20+ YO account may have helped, but knowing Amazon, they may never have considered this. My account is probably not much older than most of their current employees.


I transfer my funds every 24 hours like clockwork. I never leave funds on Amazon.

where are seeing the in process? i uploaded my stuff on saturday but haven’t seen anything.

Thanks for posting this. I have not recieved any emails regarding INFORM, but logging in today it says I need to verify phone number and bank. I too don’t have a “Verify” link in the Manage Deposit Methods page, so I guess the requirement just hasn’t propagated through heir system yet.

The phone number one also was odd - my phone number has been listed on my account the entire time. There was nothing on that screen either. The “help” section on the right had the question “How do I change my phone number” and it told me I had to add a new address to update the phone number (WHY!?). I did that and made sure to put the +1 in front of it (which was not put in originally). Though I think I just made the system think it needs to reverify me. Oy.

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OK kids… It’s our turn. Business address appears to be the only thing outstanding but it’s greyed out… Any ideas? Special thanks goes out to Amazon for waiting until it’s pretty much too late to get to our account…

I sent this to SAS of course and will call account health support later but if anyone has dealt with this sticky situation already, advice would be appreciated. If it’s already been asked / answered, my apologies…

Just got this today and only have 10 days to respond but no way to do it. I called and recording said long wait. The phone, bank and address are all inaccessible.

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@ASV_Vites and @Anni8, when you go to your Account Info, does everything look OK (no yellow warning box) or do you have a warning similar to this?

IIRC, while we had the inactive and greyed out circle and no warning at Account Info, there was nothing to do according to Cooper the Mod’s reply on NSFE. After a few days, the greyed out circle(s) turned into active links like below and we were able to submit the information requested.

Then we started waiting for the next step.

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If on that page you can click “Seller Account Information” and it gives you a screen like

And when you click “Address Verification (Unverified)” and it’s either greyed out or clickable and goes back to your screenshot then you should be ok. My guess is the address has already been verified through Tax Id Number - any proof of which should also (in theory) have the address listed - now obviously these can be different addresses - but if they are the same then they’re already verified - and while I can fathom amazon fuqing up badly on this one - I am hoping this is the case - let us know how it goes with Account Health (if you can even get through)

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K… Thanks. SAS is looking into it. I’m not even going to bother to call.

Our account isn’t that old and it had already been verified so not sure why this is happening…

This is what we see on the account info side of things… Again, just to preface, we had this warning before and it just went away. Never recently verified these things but they had been verified in 2018.

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It’s not clickable which tells me its already verified. No guarantees ofc. Let us know what your SAS rep says.

I guess we’ll all know on the 27th :joy:

Let me ask everyone: when your identify certification was pending (like the below):


Did you still get disbursements? I just spoke with an AH agent and he said that disbursements would continue to occur while verification was pending.

Yes, we did get dispersements at the stage shown in your screenshot…but as the 27th gets closer, this may change.


Yes…sellers should experience no halts until the proposed deadline for non-compliance

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I stand corrected but take NSFE with a big ball of salt since many a time people have missing information of misattribute their issues.

My understanding is if you followed up ASAP with the verification (as soon as you received them) then there should be no halts - although I did mention here that the payout didn’t automatically disburse - I had to manually push it through - now that I think about it there could be a correlation with the INFORM ACT Verication - the payout was deposited to our account, however.

That’s also what the new warning says on the App. “If you work with us there will be no disruption” or something along those lines.

SAS said that the greyed out business address should un-grey within 24 hours allowing us to start the process…

If these post cards are coming from WA, time will be tight to get this done.

Why in the world would Amazon wait so freaking long to start this process…??? They have known about this for a very long time.

We have never played the post card game, even when we first started so I get the reason but not the notification delay or even a way to proactively do it.

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That’s funny… I just went to look to grab the actual verbiage to edit this post and that language is suddenly gone. That’s nice… lol

I will let you know. I just got my deactivation notice this morning then after that disbursed.

Now my screen looks like this after giving them my identity information.

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