Action required: Verify your Amazon seller bank account information

I just got your account is at risk for deactivation on mobile and the jolt of angst I felt should impose a $ penalty on amazon - I swear they would get their act together quick if they were hurt $

Stupidassshit is what it is.

Tried calling AH and it keeps disconnected the line immediately after it puts me in queue

From SAS:

I just got confirmation on the address. They stated you need to go into account info and the address needs to be re-entered, even if it is the same. You can also try to verify the phone again to trigger the address.

After that, then it will request the recipient info.

Let me know once you are able to complete that and any prompts it displays after.


This is an utterly ridiculous process. Shouldn’t some direction be sent out on this instead of having millions of sellers guessing on what to do before their accounts get shut down for a REALLY stupid reason?

I’ll play around with this at some point tonight and let everyone know what happens or doesn’t…

Gotta be honest… The direction from SAS sounds dangerous to me but supposedly it came from the team that is overseeing this debacle.


That’s some bullsheeeet…ok Ima try

Just tried it. Do I have to re-type everything or should I just hit submit because all the informaiton is current? This is a total mindfuq and I’m sorry man but this just added a whole new level of stress.

Nothing changed immediately and I still have the same screen with phone number verified successfully.

Maybe I’ll wait a few hours and check back?

The only additional thing I can do is instead of spelling out the state I can use the acronym but I shouldn’t have to alter things like that just to prematurely trigger something that wasn’t necessary.


PS - I tried both add a new address - no new information filled since all the fields are already filled and submit and I tried select an address - with the existing address no new information filled since all the fields are already filled and submit - both result in the same screen.

You need to reenter it as new all the way through. I tried your method this morning. Nothing happened.

Just hang out and let me be the canary in the coal mine on this one. I have SAS if this explodes.

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Hold on a minute… Did you go to the "Business Address and Phone # section???

I hadn’t done that before. I went to official business address which would make more sense but this is Amazon…

Once I went to the Biz Addy / Phone # - it prompted me to add the recipient name for the post card…


I just filled out the recipient information - it was always there but I never assumed it had to be filled out in the manner requested because there were no fuqin instructions…this is all fuqd and I opened so many fuqin cases with 0 response and I can’t even get through to account health.

Guys you have to fill out the stupid recipient field - it doesn’t automatically trigger the postcard.

I don’t even know what to say to this pos debacle

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My response to SAS:

Hi Taylor, for future reference and educational matters for the team, I figured out the issue.

There are 2 sections in the account info screen. 1 is “Official Registered Address” and the other is “Business Address and Phone Number”.

Since the Official Registered Address sounded, well, more official, that’s where I went. I didn’t even notice the other section until just now. Once I clicked there, I was able to enter my name for the post card mailing without having to do anything.

So, all good in the hood… I really don’t understand why Amazon makes this so difficult for its sellers. A simple email with directions could have gone out and saved me, you, seller support, and account health support literally tens of thousands of hours.

This isn’t that hard but Amazon made it hard for some reason.

Sorry to be so critical but this is really silly.

Have a great weekend Taylor and sorry I bothered you with this.


I have nothing kind to say at the moment. If hex dolls and hexes were real, my imagination has no bounds.

When we got to that point, we started checking the Business Address and Phone Number in the Account Info twice a day … morning and night.

Eventually, it showed as needing verifying there and shortly after the Blue Link showed up on the Account Health widget. We didn’t get an email requesting for us to do it.

We would say you are very close … just keep checking the Business Address and Phone Number in the Account Info.

I think from a legal standpoint Amazon would need to send out a notice before they start charging.

You could turn it off, and when you want to use it, turn it back on just in case Amazon starts charging without informing sellers; when I turned it on, it went into effect right away.

You are fortunate; most of us don’t have that; we get disbursements every 2 weeks.

Same here; it’s always a quick turnaround with Chase.

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One of my favorite lock-down jokes:

My wife yelled from upstairs and asked, “Do you ever get a shooting pain across your body, like someone’s got a voodoo doll of you and they’re stabbing it?”

Concerned, I replied, “No…”

She responded, “How about now?”


This has been resolved. All it was was bad info from SAS / the team in charge of this nonsense.

I was navigating to Official Registered Address because that sounded official…

As soon as I went to business address / phone #, I was able to request the post card.

So silly. The ultimate SHAME on Amazon for putting its trusted selling partners through this.

One even remotely intelligently crafted email with a few screen shots and proper navigation flow and tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of hours of wasted bull ■■■■ could have been saved on the seller side, the account health support side, and the forums across the globe.

Sorry for that gigantic run on sentence. I’m pissed

It’s almost like Amazon doesn’t want us there. On the other hand, I imagine that there will be a fair amount of low-life sellers that are going to get bounced because of this. That makes me feel good actually.


19 hours, 96 replies with desperate sellers trying to figure out what to do and ZERO moderator interaction. Absolutely positively revolting. :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:


Anyone care to answer them? I read on the NSFE but will never post. Let the mods handle the problems of the millions of newbs.

Same thing here.


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Thank God I read this… I just went to that section and there it was. Now, it says postcard is scheduled to arrive on 6/25… just a couple of days before the law comes into effect. Talk about playing it tight :angry:


Just noticed this… seriously, wtf.

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This whole thing is a bunch of bull :poop:, I was only asked yesterday to start verifying. Its insane to me Amazon even need to “verify”. They send trucks to my warehouse almost every day. They call me whenever there is an issue. They deposit into my bank every 2 weeks.