Action required: Verify your Amazon seller bank account information

In the spirit of the movie Spaceballs … “Merchandising”!

Call your congressman. It was his idea.



Wait… What???

So your warning disappeared before Newman even got the postcard in his mail bag?

Ours is still there.

No my warning banner is still there…main list shows verification in progress and the actual address verification page which should have post card timeline now has verified without verification…its all fuqd

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True. Just checked - same thing here.

My smaller account (ASV) has yet to be asked to be verified beyond Identity and CC which I did about a month ago when Amazon actually sent me an email about it instead of a banner.

This is a disaster of epic proportions and Amazon knows it but doesn’t care.

I CAN GUARANTEE YOU that there will be a major grace period. There’s no fn’ way that Amazon is deactivating hundreds of thousands of accounts on the 27th, right before their precious Prime Day(s). Ain’t happening captain so everyone that’s stressed about this, yet buttoned up, should not be concerned.

This topic has not been brought up on Walmart. Wonder why that is???

Oh… I know… Because like Amazon, Walmart sellers are verified when they set up their seller accounts.


It could be worse. The postcard is not a problem ours arrived 5 days earlier than they projected.

We are stuck not being able to verify our bank information. I have been on the phone twice, and retake the tax interview 3 times.

The problem in the choices for name on the account are the business owner or NY. Not the business name. Finally convinced her to open a case after 35 minutes on the checking everywhere this could happened.


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The choices are either a person’s name or a state? Assume your account is under the name of the business?

Good Luck with this. Awful!

It’s literal now that something happens at least once a day to an Amazon seller. I used to say that as somewhat of a joke but now it’s true.

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That is correct.

I figured this would be pretty easy once it got to us. And all the steps were very easy.

Then I stumbled on this mess.

The only consolation is I did get US member of the Account Health Specialist Team. And she hinted that this deadline will probably be extended because more than 40% of sellers have not completed or even started this disaster.

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Of course it will be. There hasn’t been a single deadline to my knowledge that Amazon actually stuck to because if they did, sales would drop and that’s what’s most important to Amazon. MONEY AT ALL COSTS AND OVER EVERYTHING, including ethics and the law in some cases.


Just got this email. Cart before the horse much Amazon? Of course it provides no valuable information or instructions.

The INFORM Act, which was signed into law in December 2022 and goes into effect on June 27, 2023.

I don’t think Amazon gets to be the decider here.

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Are you saying an Official Amazon Representative was fibbing? :open_mouth:

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Of course not. But I will alleged that the Official Amazon Representative might have been an ignorant moron, who in a desire to make you happy and go away, stupidly said something that wasn’t entirely accurate nor based on facts and reality.

Elsewhere, I’ve postulated that Amazon intentionally keeps their employees ignorant specifically so they will not lie. Lying is wrong. But you have to forgive people when they make honest mistakes.

Amazon has avoided complying with laws at the exact right time before and will again.

I will repeat what I said earlier:

There is no way in hell that 6-27-23 is the day that hundreds of thousands of sellers get deactivated. Not happening.

I actually believe that the agent was speaking with knowledge in this situation.

EVERY SINGLE AMAZON LISTING already has the information on it that complies with the law and has for almost 2 years, and maybe it’s been 3, time escapes me.

Amazon is just buttoning themselves up on the backend with the horse ■■■■ that’s going on at the moment. They aren’t deactivating anyone until at least after Prime Day for this.

Agree to disagree.

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My warning banner disappeared just now. Looks like I’m all verified.

Lucky I have 9 lives. I think I hung myself about 5 times already these past few years.

Oh look the NSFE has the suicide hotline listed.



Correct per the law it is actually July Fourth (eight days later), when the suspensions start.

We shall see. I don’t think it’s happening.

I’ve never seen a listing in the last year that didn’t disclose what the law wants to see. How is the govt going to know that Amazon didn’t verify that information?

They have better things to do like authorizing that new railroad across the Indian Ocean that came up yesterday. :rofl: :steam_locomotive:

Since the FTC and all State Attorney General’s are given the right to enforce and assess civil penalties (up to $50,120 per violation), I assume that State’s will start taking very close looks at 1099-Ks and every time a State investigates or sues Amazon, they will start by asking for Sellers sales records and INFORM verification. The FTC is already placed this on their official website:

What should I do if I suspect a violation of the INFORM Consumer Act? Report it to the FTC at Click “Report Now,” then scroll down to “Something else,” and be sure to mention the “INFORM Consumers Act” somewhere in your report.

I suspect that States Attorney General’s will start asking the public to rat out companies too. Just remember that after July fourth when an Amazon customer is unhappy with an order they might just report Amazon for violating the INFORM ACT. Which will of course have to be investigated…

:man_facepalming: God save the Queen!


Yea, Amazon just needs to verify the information initially. So right now they are just trying to get a system in place for that initial verification (the fact that some of us are not having to go through it again officially right now and others are having to do it multiple times…eh)
And then Yearly they will need to do something to have us “confirm” that our information is still the same.

I think to a large extent, most of us are already verified, had to for opening the accounts. Now Amazon just needs to fill all the extra check marks that have been added to their sellers database and they are trying to figure out how to write their AI algorithms to do it for them. And we all know how good they are at writing bots don’t we?

I expect the main ones this is really targeting are the “offshore” entities that are “fakeing” being a US based company by trying to use a virtual office or something like that.

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