Action required: Verify your Amazon seller bank account information

Beautiful! Best thing I have read all month. Hope it’s true.

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Amazon has finally provided correct directions for each thing to verify.


The fuq they are.

They’re sending generic emails to everyone post verfication. Now granted, they do say if you’re all verified then we can all just go fuq off - but I’m in no mood to pat amazon on the back at the moment.

We’re all verified (hopefully).


And our reply …

And mine… :wink:

I woke up this morning to a verified address, with no sign of the postcard mailing info… don’t know where that came from, but am I RELIEVED. It’s unsettling how random this whole process is. Hopefully all these quirks will have been ironed out for subsequent annual re-verifications.

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You’re funny :smile: But congrats on verification.

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Don’t be surprised to have this pop up again tomorrow or whenever…

I operate 2 accounts. The same thing happened to me for both. One of them got tagged yesterday after all warnings went away and everything shown as verified. Post Card is inbound…

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Oh good grief. So everything had been fine. No new banners on my Dashboard, Nothing on Account Health, Nothing in Account Info. You have to actually drill down into each link to find a banner saying that something needs to be done!!!
And it had been done weeks ago. But it looks like the number format on the Business phone number was not right so in the business address and phone number, where the business address was showing as verified, I fixed the phone number format and they sent the text and I verified that. But now they are sending the postcard and the address is no longer showing verified.

So no banners, on any of the upper level pages and no e-mails about it. Gotta go searching now to check each bit of info apparently.

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My business phone number is off by one number. Puzzled as to why, I don’t think it’s been wrong all these years.

But I have no warnings, no banners, no nothing. I think I will leave it be for quite some time.


So warning banner disappeared before we got the postcard just FYI - still haven’t received the post card and everything is still all verfied - in fact that whole verfication bullets are all gone so I can’t even get to the place to enter a pin. I’m assuming they’ll still send a post card next week


Still got the warning and still not worried but still pissed at all this but that’s nothing new.

Juneteenth is going to add another day to actually getting it.


Warning is gone on the App but still showing the card in transit with the ability to enter the code when it comes.

There has been some chatter over in the NSFE about a need to wait for the ‘progress’ taskbar on the Business Address Dashboard to advance to “Delivered” status - but I didn’t wait for that, and immediately submitted the Postcard Code as soon as it arrived down south @ our Corporate HQ (where I am not physically present, nowadaze, more than a few times each year), and we were re-verified less than 2 ½ hours later.

I cannot guarantee that anyone else will find that experience reproducible for their own SoA/Vendor Account(s), but I do suspect that those who - like you - are already recognized by Amazon as being on the up-and-up might well find it so.


Hey @Dogtamer, nice to see you again. :wave:

This :arrow_heading_down: is why I wrote what I wrote. @Tried_Tested is having a vastly different experience with going through the motions and having everything show verified before the card even showed up.

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I was re-verified before post card arrival and this was after amazon kept haranguing me about business address verification without proper instructions throughout the whole ordeal but especially at that juncture where entering recipient information to trigger post card mail generation was imperative - and even after all that, they verified me entirely within the next day and all warnings and even the INFORM ACT verification links/pages all disappeared along with the post card mail and delivery timeline.

The tomfuqqery of it all was just unnecessary and poorly handled from the get.

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As I live and breathe!!! :star_struck:

Hope you and yours are well!


We are - it’s tough to send a silver-tongued devil home (or, for that matter, to shut one up :crazy_face:); I am hopeful that the same is true of You And Yours, my friend.


Got the postcard today, entered the code, says verified but still shows as in progress / warning which I expect to fall off in the next 24-48 hours or less.

Clicking on the business address again (like if I was going to enter the code), shows verified successfully.

My other account shows the below, never was required to do anything for it and it’s older.

I have a feeling this is the case because everything is tied to 1 address. EIN, Bank, CC, ID. That’s not the case with my other account that I got the card for.


I expect that is true. Accounts that are basically verified via the tax info (as in the tax info and legal entity match the business name and business address and account holder) might not need to do much beyond making sure the deposit account is verified