Dashboard warning - nothing else - help? (claims account deactivation)

So this is on my seller central in the past hour.

I have account health of 204 (always is, 204 to 208 in high season, small volume seller).
Zero ODRs
Zero A2Zs (checked under review, etc.)
Zero chargebacks
Nothing. No policy violations, performance notifications, feedbacks, absolutely nothing wrong. Spotless, all zeros that should be, or 100% that should be.

Help me figure out what this might be?


You likely need to reverify your identity information. When you view the account health page, is there a yellow box thatā€™s not normally there in the ā€˜policy complianceā€™ section? (I canā€™t remember what it was titled, and didnā€™t take a screenshot.) If so, click that, and it will open up a window to verify your information for the Inform act.


Got it. Yesā€¦the Inform act, but I swear it wasnā€™t showing there, only the header warning, when I made this post. Trust me I poked around a good bit before making a thread! And no email or other notice.

Iā€™ve re-upped my Inform verification. Not sure why they treated this as a critical event but Iā€™ve submitted and hopefully it will go away.


Glad you found it! Thatā€™s how it happened for us too, just earlier today, so it was fresh in my brain!


This showed up on mine today.

Click on it and it opens the window ā€“

Get used to this. INFORM verification has to be done annually now!

You certify it and check everything and then this will magically appear ā€“


They do it because AMAZON can be fined $50,000+ for EVERY account that they fail to verify the information on.

ā€œA violation of the law is treated as a violation of an FTC rule. So online marketplaces that donā€™t comply may face FTC law enforcement that could result in civil penalties of $50,120 per violation. The statute also gives enforcement authority to State Attorneys General and other officials authorized by the State. They may file an action in federal court to enjoin further law violation, seek civil penalties and other remedies permitted under state law, and obtain damages, restitution, or other compensation for residents of that stateā€

I also dug this out today when I answered a different question on the NSFE asking about what is going on.

For any dropshippers or people that still insist on RA and shipping direct from websites, you WILL (at some point) be required by law to disclose the sources if someone asks:

ā€œ(ii) Whether the high-volume third party seller used a different seller to supply the consumer product to the consumer upon purchase, and, upon the request of an authenticated purchaser, the information described in clause (i) relating to any such seller that supplied the consumer product to the purchaser, if such seller is different than the high-volume third party seller listed on the product listing prior to purchase.ā€


It just appeared on mine too


Other Sellers* have also reported a lag between the warning (causing panic in an information vaccuum) and the actual communication (whatā€™s going on, what you need to do, why, etc).

Itā€™s so bassackwards.

*Hereā€™s @Dreamscape-Studio experience (in :lock: SAS Confidential (members only) so not public)


I decided to throw myself on the grenade for the rest of my fellow sellers, and see what happened.

I followed all of the arrows and ā€˜continuesā€™. None of them looked like ā€˜here be monstersā€™ warnings, so I clicked through all of it, certifying that I am indeed who I say I am, and I live where I say I do, etc.

Iā€™ll update this thread when something happens.


I logged in again, and I see no warnings. It was easy, and remarkably straightforward for Amazon.


Yeah I just now got the email warning, right AFTER the notice thanking me for doing the re-up.

I get that its important, but the way itā€™s handled now made me panic that some defect had occurred


Shades of the months-long ā€œAprā€™23 SIV Snafuā€:


Because if you donā€™t do it youā€™ll get suspended.


Amazon also put notifications about the recertification under Performance Notifications.

Notice that we got the Certification Complete notice before we got either of the two notices to do the recertification. We didnā€™t even know these were there ā€¦ just stumbled across them when doing a random check of pages a couple of days ago.


Yeah literally all the steps here were backwards for me. Just got another email, hour or so after I got all finished:

Starting in April 2024, we will begin sending sellers a formal notification to review and certify that their business information is correct. However, you do not need to wait to receive the formal notification, and can take action now to avoid the risk of account deactivation later.


The same here. Pretty typical Amazon insanity. They may be the only entity on the face of the planet that can actually make the Government appear to be efficientā€¦


I got a second email asking me to certify after I had completed it less than an hour ago. Is Amz a fricked up company or what?


I got it today too and also all wonky.

1st: Email saying I didnā€™t need to verify YET, but I could if I wanted to do it early.

2nd: Logged in and the warning with risk of deactivation was there (gee thanks).

3rd: Did the verification & submitted it.

4th, 5th, 6th: Continued warning banner with link to health page that showed 0 (zero) violations. :roll_eyes:

7th: Email saying my verification was complete.

8th: Email saying I needed to verify or would be deactivated.

Good gravy what a ride!


Me: May I ask why we have received a belated request for SIV (ā€˜Amazoneseā€™ for ā€œSeller Identity Verificationā€) AFTER we have received direct confirmation that our recent action in that regard was already in play?

Amazon: We make money hand over fist.

Me: Granted, but we would still request confirmation that Amazonā€™s automated mechanisms have not made a mistake.

Amazon: We make money hand over fist.

Me: I see. May I ask if it is possible to escalate our concern to a higher tier of Amazonā€™s support infrastructure?

Amazon: We make money hand over fist.

Me: May I ask if you are actually an Amabot daemon, or a human prototype for the same?

Amazon: We make money hand over fist.

Me: So, let me get this straight - Amazon simply does not care about the money it leaves on the table via its all-encompassing embrace of AI?

Amazon: We make money hand over fist. Perhaps youā€™ve noticed how through thick and thin our P/E Ratio has weathered various storms?


Translated into bot code ā€¦

If Me (?), then Amazon ($) ā€¦ run

  • Me: ?
  • Amazon: $
  • Me: ??
  • Amazon: $$
  • Me: ???
  • Amazon: $$$
  • Me: ?$?
  • Amazon: $?$
  • Me: $$$
  • Amazon: Invalid Entry