How are you guys preparing for potential UPS nationwide strike?

Lots of people make lots of accusations about lots of things, including what might or might not be illegal. :woman_shrugging:

But this (very helpful) topic is about the steps e-comm Sellers (and other carriers) are taking to prepare for a possible UPS strike, and political discussions (such as, “Don’t you just hate unions?”) are prohibited on SAS.

So as a friendly reminder to all SAS participants…

Please stay on-topic and stick to SAS Community Expectations. As always, SAS staff can remove any content without warning (or appeal)…but this post should be considered a general warning to all.

References to that hoary old saw “A Woman’s Prerogative” have fallen far out of the favor it long enjoyed throughout Human Society, in these Modern Times (more’s the pity).

Still, refreshing it is to note that the timeworn adage “Give `em an inch, and they’ll take a mile” has yet to pass from the scene… :sweat_smile:

Please pardon me while I step away to stra_p on* a pair of my “Kick Me, I’m Yours” shin guards - somehow or other, the better ½ can ALWAYS tell when I make a post teasing The Sisterhood… :shushing_face:


The built-in Discourse filters for “s t r a p on” & “strap-on” ALWAYS need adjustment…

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Yes, but then my vision of Whoopie Goldberg wearing a nun outfit and pointing would not have fit my mental image of the situation, and everything is about me, don’t you know… :rofl:

Yes, and any supplies where your provider prefers fedex. For handmakers, this can be a big deal too. For example, one of my sources of jewelry supplies I use to make my items, uses UPS exclusively.

Even if they offer fedex/usps, those systems might get a bit overwhelmed, so best to have a bit more than normal inventory on hand to avoid the crunch.


Wow you know everything :slight_smile:

Hardly so, my friend - one need look no further than my mangling of the contraction “it’s” in the post that you’ve partially quoted in reply to realize that it’s quite likely that my meager knowledge base would barely fill a thimble’s worth of the vast sea of Human Knowledge.

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I have noticed this also.

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Just got an email from Uline saying to stock up - IE, they don’t seem to have a Plan B.

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They don’t really need to have a plan B, being they pass along freight charges anyway so they can use LTL and anyone else who comes along like OnTrac and the other fly by night subcontractor hell companies.

Its just a marketing ploy using fear.


Urine also uses fedex (mostly for freight), but considering ulines shipping charges, no loss to their business)

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Not even gonna edit that, I’ll own it!


Just got an email from Uline saying to stock up

Did they happen to include a ‘free shipping if you spend $500’ code? Not all of us were grandfathered in to get free shipping every time. If anyone sees a code, please share!


Uline ever do free shipping?! :open_mouth:

I am only FBM and only use USPS for US and DHL for foreign shipments.

Well, more or less - as we know, “free shipping” is merely a marketing will o’ the wisp, as someone is always bound to pay the freight…

Still, ULine has for decades periodically run such promotions, and for the first decade & a ½ or so of the ASF (“Amazon Seller Forums”) existence, among the most-popular/most-viewed of threads in its various iterations were those sharing these promotional codes while they were active.

That changed a few years back, when one of the members of the FMT (“Forum Moderation Team”), the rather tight-laced James, took exception to this practice, on the grounds of directing traffic off-site, & thereby deplenishing Amazon’s own coffers.

One of the most widely-respected of the forum vets undertook the task of debating the merits of James’ position, to no avail; as this did not sit well with those of the old hands who were made aware of the correspondence, some of us began pushing back, in ways both subtle and overt.

In regards to the latter case, codes were publicly shared a time or two after the crackdown, in threads which were not nuked by the FMT as had been those which came under James’ scrutiny, and privately shared in supposedly inviolate PM/DM communications.

They say that hindsight is 20-20, and in retrospect, I believe that instances of independent thought like that exemplified in the above woeful tale may well have been a significant component of Amazon’s evisceration of the long-useful ASF with the launch of the NSFE.


There are a few of us who have had their account grandfathered into Free Shipping by Uline. We never knew of the Free Shipping Code until we saw the discussion on OFSE. Guess it is one of the perks of being old and having an account from the dark ages (pre internet … pre cell phone).


Thank you for the history of this free Uline shipping. I do 100% FBA. Therefore I don’t need that many boxes as FBM do. However when I need a hundred or two cartons to ship items back to Amazon, I usually buy used cartons from local box companies. They don’t look brand spanking new like Uline cartons but the price is right (usually about 80% - 90% cheaper than buying from Uline). So that’s my “go to” when I need cartons :slight_smile: For other packing materials (tape, etc) I buy from Amazon. They’re cheaper and always free fast shipping (Prime)

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