INFORM Act Tax Questionnaire Missing U.S.

Amazon says my account is at risk of deactivation if I don’t complete the INFORM Act Tax Questionnaire.

However, they omitted United States as a country in the country list - so it is impossible to complete.


I have the same problem…lol typical amazon


It seems to be a glitch.


It is a glitch! The warning just vanished from one of my accounts at midnight eastern.]

My other account that I have verified twice in the last 3 weeks still has it though. LOL RIGHT…

Just when you think Amazon can’t get any dumber.


My question to seller no-support;

12:24 AM 05/26/2023

INFORM Act Tax Questionnaire, I have no option for country on the Basic Information page and can’t complete. Why do I need this anyway? I have given amazon my info repeatedly and nothing has changed. Why is my account at risk of deactivation?


I have to say that this is some pretty funny ■■■■…

US isn’t on the list… LOL

Guess Amazon really doesn’t want sellers from the US anymore.


What a complete mess!!

The actual US Amazon Marketplace is missing the USA… :person_facepalming:

It also says to verify my ‘Address’, and when I click on it, I’m directed to my Business Address.

There is nothing that needs to be done; all my info is current, including the +1 area code, and there are no additional instructions on how to verify or confirm it’s correct.

And, of course, there’s the Big ‘Your account is at risk’ which has everyone in a panic. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Thanks for posting this!!

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It is surprising that when they pushed out this “feature”, they didn’t have any programmers standing by in case something went sideways.

Also surprising is that they simply don’t have ANY programmer on stand-by in case something like this comes up. Seems everyone has to wait until 9AM Seattle local time before anyone will even look at this.


You would think they would be alerted right away if there was an issue; there has been one issue after another, and now apparently, their system has crashed… and as Roxy mentioned, they do this right before the holiday weekend; hopefully, some of them show up to work tomorrow.

Who’s bright idea was it to add, “Your Account is at risk” Let’s start a panic to see how many more cases we can flood Seller Support with. One guy on the NSFE has already opened 5 cases panicking that his account was about to be deactivated.


I received the notice this morning and re-verified about a month ago. No email, nothing on the Account Info page so I’m thinking an early Glitchmas! Some sellers on the NSFE are saying that it has disappeared from their accounts. So, maybe it’s just a matter of time. I’m going shopping and believing it will be gone when I get back. :face_with_peeking_eye:


Latest with seller no-support;

11:49 AM
We understand that you are concerned about your account at the risk of deactivation.
We can understand the frustration you are going through due to this issue, and we apologize for the inconvenience caused.
We can imagine that this issue is pretty important to you and will certainly help you further.
Thank you for writing back to us with the requested information.
We have investigated the issue and found that the account health page has no pending verifications and no other information is required for now.
As you have already submitted the requested information, we request you to wait for 24–48 hours and regularly check your performance notifications and registered email address. If we need more information related to INFORM Consumer Act, the same will be updated on your account health dashboard and registered email ID.
We hope we have clarified your concerns. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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Should we be worried if we haven’t received the reverification notice yet?

This was just posted. Coming for SS, who knows if it is true, but maybe…



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Seller Support’s response to @JustHere4TheComments and Cooper_Amazon’s response on the NSFE as reported by the intrepid @Sundance, can’t both be right? Can they?

:man_facepalming: Typical Amazon SNAFU

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Cooper_Amazon’s response is correct as the US and Morocco are both missing in the Tax Information re-verification drop down.

We find no evidence to support the comment made on NSFE by WhiteboxInc that US based sellers are not required to complete the INFORM Act Tax re-verification. We have found the exact opposite and wondering when other marketplaces will begin the process.

Although this has caused a huge spike in usage on NSFE, there has been a lack of those with integrity to challenge the gaslight type statements being made.

Here is Cooper’s latest response on NSFE:

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Anyone who has read the INFORM Act would believe that neither was 100% legally correct, nor entirely wrong.

The bill basically says anyone that sells as ‘new’ $5K in 12 months, or 200 sales in twelve months must provide and have verified:

  • bank account number
  • tax ID number (corporate sellers) or social security number (individual sellers)
  • working phone number
  • working email address
  • (for business sellers) copy of a government-issued record or tax document that includes the business name and physical address

Or be suspended (violations are $46,517 per violation). Effective June 27th.

The thing is that for most US Sellers Amazon should already have this information verified. Except the photo ID and maybe the telephone verification. I think that most US Sellers that have submitted the photo ID should be good to go, without anything more verification (Remember that Amazon already was verifying the Bank Account, EIN and address by virtue of payment by ACH and checking against IRS records.).

Amazon may need to call your telephone number, if the service isn’t listed under the name/entity provided to Amazon.

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