Lighten Up!

So the difference between a “brain freeze” and a “beer freeze” is … one you remember and one you don’t?

Research provided by Beerheimer’s Anonymous


Just Sayin. (Uncle Grogu, not daddy!)

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But he WILL bark for hours at imaginary ghosts

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Ah … yes it is. Especially for the good ole Aunt Jemima treatment

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12 posts were merged into an existing topic: :turkey: Happy Thanksgiving, SellersAskSellers!

This struck me as both topical and hilarious:

How many Selling Partner Support associates does it take to change a lightbulb? (link, NSFE)

Something tells me that the FMT/CMT is unlikely to be as amused as was I.

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Line 1 - we (twice)
Line 2 - we (once)
Line 3 - we (once)
Line 4 - we (once) and I (once)
Line 5 - we (twice)
Line 6 - we (once) and us (once)

So everything is a group effort except when it comes to ensuring you when only “I” can do that.

Who in the hell is “I” and why can only they do that? … makes you feel sorry for the rest of the group.

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The “I” is from the Court Cleric who wrote the message for Their Eminence Amazon the Great (TEAG).

Take your pick of “Imperial We”, “Royal We” and/or, “Majestic Plural”.

The Court Cleric was subsequently executed for having spoken in the singular on behalf of TEAG.

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Yeah, this will end well:

Amazon Virtual Assistant (link, NSFE)

AI meets VA, mayhaps…

That might be the funniest thing I have ever seen

Cats and Boxes ! My favorite theme. Have I shard this one (probably)…

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Or this one…

Complain, complain…



I have just found the perfect holiday gift for some NSFE sellers who shall remain nameless.


And an appropriate stocking stuffer to accompany said gift:
