Michaels MakerPlace

So I could not, and can not yet sign up to be on the wait list.

I did sign up to be on the newsletter.

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Feels like an ad to get me into the store. Yet I can see this being a eCommerce venue with training, tips, and applications as value add.

Not unlike what we try to do on our social media and websites.

Still need to get through the “hole” to the other side and sign up.

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Yes please, (not facebook) as I don’t have any friends. :cry: Not as dismal as it sounds. We do use it for our brands, as needed.

My partner got removed from FB after publishing a letter she published in the local Op-Ed section to FB. Removed forever. Can not review here as it is political. I was on the School Board at the time.

Here ya go! MakerPlace by Michaels - Sellers Ask Sellers

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No surprise here!

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Yes, something we call “Corporate Hygiene” they just don’t think ahead. In a past life many decades ago I was a product manager, then a director of product managers.

I always told them, please use “seasons” it is much safer. I see this launch as “Fall” based on what is available for info so far.

We did get into the waitlist, took 4 days or so. Blank screen till yesterday we tried again and were able to fill in the form.

Like others, we are looking at matching products to the Michaels customer base, and they will not be entry level since the limitation of no First Class shipping.

I applied as well. Since Canada is not a state, and it was optional to enter the state, I skipped it. I CAN ship with USPS (Priority included), through my shipping provider in Canada, so I wonder if I will be accepted. So far, I only entered my first and last names and e-mail address. Not even a shop name… Weird.

And I just read this:


It took 6 days to get the acceptance email, so I can set up the store there now.

But I really not sure I want to spend the time/effort to do that right now. I’m working on getting my holiday FBA inventory made and send in much earlier this year, don’t want to interrupt that process right now.

Also, Michaels’ only use UPS for shipping just don’t works too well for my small items. Maybe I’ll just wait until MakerPlace has opened to the public to take a look and then decide whether I want to do it or not.


We just got the email too.

Thinking of a field trip with my right hand man, (a woman) to see what is in store. I am thinking kits, since crafty people shop at the store.

We secure the hard stuff to find, and provide it packaged with instructions on how to create it yourself.

Though we have opened enough eCommerce doors and gotten a “Dud” more often than not. Will this be a “Dude” time will tell.


And ability to make it your own? 100% would buy, and I’m your target audience!

This post = market research. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ok, to all “Michaels MakerPlace” Makers, I just finished reading through the TOS (Terms of Service) document. That is 2 hours of my life that are gone forever.

You should too, yet, I will say it is not that different than Amazon. Even so by the time I got done, I was to fried to onboard any further, back to it soon.


And that is fine, I am posting and know I am posting in an open forum. And I appreciate that. Years ago, as in 1987-88 I learned that your (our) (everyone in this forum) ideas can not be stolen, if it is in your heart, it is yours.

You do have to have a passion to tolerate what we all put up with day in and day out. Come to think about it, who would want to steal it.

We had a intern that took our (my) business plan. Replicated it in 1990 just after we started in 1989. Did not work, something about the 800 number that cost 25 cents a minute :zipper_mouth_face:

I will disclose the idea, we will see how it works. We have a relationship with a New England Quarry that mines Slate on demand. Now, imagine that, they don’t blast it out of the ground until, we tell them we need it.

A few months following my order, I head to the Quarry with a 26K pound truck, each skid is 6.5-7K pounds. Down through the mountains (the ones you ski on) returning home. We unload by hand, then package and sell these slate roof pieces or we decorate them by hand with our artists.

My thought is Michaels, has artists or want to be artists (in a very complimentary way I say that) that have no idea how to find this over 450 million year old rock. Those in the Asian Basin, grind it up and make powdered slate. :face_vomiting:

Add some transfer paper, we use from time to time, and designs, we make from time to time. Bingo, DIY Slate Artwork.


From what little I can find about makerplace on social media it seems like everyone is getting all upset thinking makerplace is going to steal their ideas and put them out of business.

I remember all the same drama when amazon handmade opened up. That they were just going to steal ideas and make billions.

Handmade items are not these big in demand items artists think they are lol. I mean it’s fully likely that amazon/michaels does pay attention to people making hundreds of thousands of dollars but those people are still most likely importing goods and not actually selling handmade items anyway.

I’ve had ideas of maybe trying to figure out how to mass manufacture my light switch covers maybe pick one or two designs and just do wholesale to a bunch of websites. I’m sure Amazon and such could then find the same manufacture and then do it as well. Just seems like a headache and I’m not trying to get rich.

Making everything myself and only making a bit of money I will stay way under their radar. I enjoy what I do it provides money for the little extras in life.


A few years ago, for my b&m (RIP), I took small slate squares–and right now can not recall the wholesaler–and stenciled my own design reminiscent of a state logo (but not, no IP theft) in colors near to the university’s (but not, no misrepresentation) onto them by hand, and sold them in cute packaged sets for party throwers, to give as party favors or to use as party decor or coasters.

They were simple, gorgeous, fun to make, profitable, and a big hit.

:dart: 100%, your idea is solid.


I’ve done a lot of thinking about Makerplace as well lately. I find this whole thing fascinating and was thinking today that Michaels doesn’t even really need to create that much of a ‘functioning’ marketplace. They already sell craft supplies, all they need is something to “sell the dream” of selling your crafts. Get people hooked by offering a free plan and you will have a lot of people buying supplies and creating things hoping that they will be able to sell. Most people don’t like the idea of Etsy because you have to pay to list. Even if there are no sales to be had on Makerplace, Michaels still comes out ahead as people will be buying supplies if they think they will make it big.

It would not surprise me if the algorithm will be weighted to include people who spend a lot of money at Michaels. Everything is tied to a rewards card. It will be interesting to see when it finally goes live what all kinds of things get promoted. I can imagine they will promote classes/how to’s more than products as people will need to buy supplies. I don’t get any of my supplies from Michaels LOL.


If they buy supplies retail, they’ll never make enough money for a viable business.

Every now and then, when I’m looking for a small quantity of something, I’ll go to Michaels because it’s convenient. But I’d never ever buy beads or gems there, because the quality is atrocious.

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And I got approved! Like some of you, on day 6. Since they didn’t ask for a shop name/address, I think they are approving everyone at the moment.

Probably during setup, I’d get “Ooops, something went wrong” or a similar response. I might try it sometime (too busy right now, unfortunately with non-business stuff) and will share my experience here.


Just got an email fr Michael about MakerPlace:

Since I haven’t set up the store there and not going to before 8/1, not sure if I’ll be able to see this “beta” MakerPlace before the real thing opening to the “general public”. For those of you who have set up the store there, could you please post some feedback here after 8/1. Thanks.


Same. I have my store registered (I think) but I’m not going to get it set up by tuesday. Maybe.

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I got my acceptance letter yesterday. Haven’t set up yet but I might this week.


Here is the link to the whole email:

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Maybe this email was sent to people who were accepted but have not registered or set up anything yet (like me) to give us a last minute push to get things done? Not going to happen with me, too last minutes.

You’d think Michael would email the people who have listed things to let them know what’s happening. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: