Michaels MakerPlace

Thank you for the encouragement. I just learned a bot does the first review of applications and appeals are reviewed manually by humans. So I appealed to the makerplacesellers email mentioned up thread and was assigned a case # with a 1-3 business day response time.



It looks like they really want to make it work. The humans are not responding with cut and paste answers.


I too was initially denied. I sent an email to the address provided which included links to my Amazon store and Etsy store so they could actually see what I wanted to sell (figured I had nothing to lose at that point). It took about a week to hear back. The earlier rejection had something to do with my EIN not exactly matching my business name. They asked for the IRS letter containing my EIN and I was approved about 4 days later.

My first listing is “Pending Review” so definitely a slow start getting going on this site. I had my first Amazon order in less than 24 hours from submitting my first listing. I believe @ModernSwitch suggested upthread to only include one category, so I will try that with my second listing.

We included other marketplaces and our own websites in the application. I think they used those to “vet” us. The ads they are putting out indicate, “The new online marketplace where vetted makers sell authentically handmade goods.”

Since they did not ask for pictures of our shop, studio, production methods, products or even visit us… How else would they know?

Providing links to where you sell would be a good thing. I am sure you will make it.


Just got an email overnight trying to get us to join. I think this is due to the fact that the first thing we did was sign up on the customer facing side. If so, interesting that they are going after customers to be in MakerPlace.

There’s a new place to sell handmade goods :eyes: Don’t miss your chance to get in early!


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If anyone has the time and inclination to research, I’'d love to see a list of PRC junk listed, and a link to Alibaba, Shein, etc.

Then we could ALL write Michaels with the list, and see how serious they are about keeping it handmade.

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To be clear, I was referring to Faire not the new Michaels MakerPlace.


Yep. Faire is full of cheap Alibaba stuff.

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Can we use MCF for Michaels? I don’t plan on doing it often, but maybe it will come in handy when I’m out of town.

With the handling and 5 day delivery time I think you would be fine with MCF. We sometimes use MCF for eBay and they are a bit slow, but it works, and our handling time on the Bay is same day. They don’t give you a tracking number until it ships, but Michael’s delivery times don’t seem all that fast so I’m thinking it should be fine.

I am in the middle of redesigning our trade dress so I’m holding off on MakerPlace until I get done, but fully plan to give it a try.


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Not sure if it depends on the category of the items listed, but yes, as far as I can see, there’s an option for free shipping.

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They do offer free USPS first class shipping. I have it on all my listings. You just have to pick customer pays, then USPS first class and flat rate. Then, choose free.

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Which page is the feedback button on? I couldn’t find it anywhere.

I think it’s on every page on the Dashboard. Circled on the far right here:

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It’s not on my page.


Yes, found it. Thank you for the screenshot, I was looking at all the horizontal words/link, and totally missed that vertical one.


On my PC, the link is further away from that picture, compare to it in Rino’s screenshot.

Maybe you didn’t slid your screen all the way to the right edge? Were you looking on your phone?

Also, I’m on the Basic Plan, don’t know if you are on the Basic or Professional plan, just wondering if there is a difference in how the dashboard looks.

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Oh, I see it now. It’s nearly falling off my screen…and tiny.

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What a shame. I was trying to make a how-to page featuring some of my stuff. When it came time to link the products, none of my stuff showed up. I guess MakerPlace is not like Amazon, where handmade can show up in regular searches.

I think you could do this in “How-Tos” though we have not gotten far enough yet. Only 6 items so far, and working on those.

Our intent was to link to Michaels Commercial in store items and ours for projects.

In our busy back to school season.

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