Michaels MakerPlace

Possible except I just tried on my cell phone away from home network and no antivirus set at router level

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It has been slow for me on Amazon the last few days. In trying to figure out what I’m going to do with my time, I decided to take the plunge and play in MakerPlace. The peer pressure is getting to me. I don’t want to be left out of the fun.


I swear, whoever allowed MakerPlace and MarketPlace to be trademarked should be fired. I keep getting them mixed up.

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My Virus protection was about to expire so I uninstalled it, dumped my cookies, rebooted computer, tried your refresh suggestion, and still no luck (chrome and firefox). Still does not work on my wife’s mac either. I was in town yesterday on my phone with 5G service no wifi connection, site loads and operates fine otherwise but still cannot use category dropdown on duplicate or create new listing.

I’m still stuck. Got an email that says I need to update banking details, but my banking info is there.

So sorry. They seem to have a long way to go before they get out of Beta.


I never use another browser, but tried MakerPlace on Edge, same problem.

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Done that multiple times. No change.

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Just logged in with existing cookies and it is now working :man_shrugging: I’ll post if it stops working again.


I just got my first one mid morning, and was totally not prepared for it. Took two weeks for it, but at least it’s happening.


Whoa, congrats!!!




Got my second Makerplace order today so I’m glad to have the category issue resolved. Now, I need to go off island Wednesday for a couple days and would like to have a vacation mode. I know it’s a lot to ask in Beta. The odds are it won’t be a problem but I wish it were. :wink:


When I sign-in, I click that “Remember Me” box under the Password. I do seem to need to log-in more often than I have to do with Amazon SC, but never while I was in the middle of doing something on MakerPlace dashboard, not like your are experiencing.

So, if you haven’t been do it, try click “Remember me” box when you sign-in" to see if that helps.

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I think we may have an interest in this. Possibly a new thread in the locked Handmade forum. Difficult to get G2 from the website unless you are a registered buyer.

That said, I see a lot of cheep PRC crap for sale.

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Didn’t you having some issue with supplying Michaels with some document, etc? Maybe that’s why you are having problem with listing, like they are not ready for you to list on the site yet?

I could be wrong. Just throwing out some thoughts since your situation is so different than the rest of us.

Have you tried to contact the support: [email protected] ?

Hope everything resolves for you soon.


I contacted support about the banking issue, and they said to re-enter the banking info, even though it’s there. Then, the create listing gave me a warning about needing shipping info, but I couldn’t get that link to open from the page, but a link from here worked. Now, I can’t get the link for creating a listing to work. So far, none of the links work in Edge. Most of the links work in Chrome, most notably the important create-a-listing link.

I have been clicking “remember me” every single time I sign in, but it won’t remember me.

My application for Maker was denied after a half hour
Was I supposed to list other platforms where I sell? My profile was only one sentence (for now) so I could get started. Any suggestions? Do over?


Before I start creating stuff, does anyone know how much time we have to get a shipment out? Is it flexible?

I only have my experience to go by, but they are so glitchy, I’d say try again. Maybe a bot or something rejected you.