Michaels MakerPlace

Actually, that was where I was trying to link to my product. Makerplace stuff doesn’t show up.

Does anyone know if we have to use tracking to ship out stuff for MakerPlace? I want to just put a stamp on one of my offerings.

Their system does connect with tracking. In my “orders”, using USPS shipping, it indicates the status as “shipped” or “delivered” so I’m going to guess you will not be able to mark the order shipped without a tracking number and it would not change to “delivered” status without it. I would also assume, payment will be based on a delivered status.

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Taking a break. I want to get in early, yet I don’t want to waste too much time if this thing doesn’t take off. It’s such a balancing act.

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For August, I was having daily bumps of sales via ads, until Aug14. Then only sale via ads since then - a literal flat line.
And yet I had changed nothing! Impressions and spend continued on the same track, just sales disappeared.

No idea what happened there.

Are you talking about Michaels’ MakerPlace, or about Amazon? I didn’t know you signed up to do MakerPlace.

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woops, wrong thread! Not on Michaels!

No sales yet. I get a few views per day. The keywords search is getting closer to what it should look like.

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14 posts were split to a new topic: Getting Paid on MakerPlace

I opened a case with Michael’s after getting denied as a MakerPlace seller earlier in August. They contacted me two weeks later saying they needed a doc before they could approve me. I sent the doc and they approved me yesterday. I have one listing uploaded and verified it was online. Whew!



This gives me hope! Nothing for me yet.

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Good for you!


I’ve been crazy posting for 3 weeks now, up to 96 items and I just got my first sale!!!




Yay! That’s great!


Great news. Congrats.

When I look up earrings, I do see many of yours in the first of the pages.

Never quite figured out how the system decide which item gets to be displayed before the others. When I had my one sale, I thought that item would be showing on the earlier pages compare to my other item. No, it wasn’t.

One sale in a month is little disappointing. I only listed 32 items, so maybe I need to list more. I’ve only listed items that were selling well enough on Amazon, thinking if they are won’t sell on MakerPlace, then it’s because of the site, not because of the items.


2 sales have come in for me now, giving me more motivation to get more items listed.

Funny thing is both items are old items I discontinued on Amazon and Etsy because they didn’t sell for a few years.



Let’s hope that’s the sign more people are starting to know about the site now.


5 posts were split to a new topic: MARKETplace by Michael’s. MARKET.

21 posts were split to a new topic: Listings/Products for MakerPlace