Michaels MakerPlace

I think whatever the words in the title are used for search result, not just Tags

For example: the first day I was search “quilting pattern”, and the search result turned up several Wade’s rings, which have the word “pattern” in the titles. I think one of your switch cover was in there too, but can’t be 100% sure.

Also, my data showed the word “Apple”, I don’t have it as a tag, but the word is in one of my title. I didn’t search with “Apple”, so somebody was searching for “Apple” or something with the word apple in it, and my item must showed up in their search result to have the word end up in my data.

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I wasn’t sure if I had the time or inclination to set up another market, but I signed up for MakerPlace today. Took forever to write a bio and shop blurb because my pre-existing blurb files have way too many words. I skipped setting up a gallery because that’s another huge chunk of time that I’m not doing until further notice. Waiting for acceptance (or not).

I was accepted 20 minutes after submitting my application :smiley_cat:

That was a lot faster then pre-beta opening. Few of us took 7 days to get the OK. Maybe more applications at that time.

Did this happen to anyone else’s charge card when they applied to Michaels?

The Google Services’ part was unexpected.

That $0.01 charge fr Michaels looks like they were verifying your CC. Are you sure “Google services” is related to Michaels?

Just checked mine and I don’t see anything fr Michaels or Google services. I’m surprised I didn’t have the Michaels’ one. Maybe they just haven’t get around to verify everybody yet?

What date did you give Michaels your CC number? I did on 7/30.

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Hmm, about Google Services, I haven’t put my credit card online lately for anything new. There was something Etsy was pushing for Google searchability, so I guess they could have gotten it from Etsy? I definitely didn’t sign up with Google for anything that costs money.

I also set up a new gmail account, but I have never been charged for my gmail accounts and I didn’t add my charge card number when I set it up.

I am not too worried about the Google Services charge–I just wanted to see if it showed up on anyone else’s account in connection with signing up for Michaels. Just a coincidence maybe.

I gave Michaels my credit card number yesterday, 8/5.

I got the michaels charge, which was normal.

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68 posts were merged into an existing topic: Listings/Products for MakerPlace

Facebook ad today.


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I noticed it has a “Start Selling” Button.


It would be nice to see a “Start Buying” Button.


They have a 4-month professional trial that is free and reduces your referral fees to 0%.

Thats pretty crazy in itself.

Guess I know what I’m doing tonight.

We are all used to that, or worse over on AZ. Seeing it was a known problem (by you) we did not go the support path. We to tried different machines and browsers. Just trying to add, not duplicate is when we run into the roadblock.

Will shoot one over the wall at them this morning.

As do we, I asked my right hand man (woman) to throw this over the wall she did. I was offsite today on a “Free Work Ahead” job.

Another story, but not now.

At one time in my life I was a product line manager with product managers in two different companies.

One of the worst problems was finding people to do Beta Testing, they committed, but did not follow through.

It is ok, and I understand if you do not have the time. I do wonder how do I share with Michaels, we can help.

To your “beating up” in the future notation, I can not count on my own hands how many eCommerce markets we have entered into early, that have not worked out.

Just is what it is.

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Still does not work on my wife’s Mac. Worked on my Windows 10 for 3 weeks then stopped and then worked again and then stopped again. :man_shrugging:

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I also tried it on my phone and that didn’t work either. Leads me to believe it is a permission thing

What’s a “permission thing”, could you explain more, please?

Permissions assigned to individual sellers. Does not make sense 3 different type operating systems with multiple browsers unconnected all of a sudden stop working.

Or possibly permissions set within Anti-virus programs at either computer level or router level ???